Shen Huaixing smiled lightly: "I appreciate your kindness. But she is with Zhou Zhenyue now, don't force her."

Mu Ruqing tilted her head: "Zhou Zhenyue?"

She smiled deeper, and said unclearly: "You don't have to worry about this, just leave it to me."

Shen Huaixing frowned: "What do you mean?"

Mu Ruqing did not answer, but said a few more polite remarks, and then said goodbye to Shen Lei politely. Before leaving, I asked for Shen Huaixing's mobile phone number.

When she came out of Mu's house, Zhong Wan was leaning on the car door looking at her phone, holding two cups of coffee in her free hand.

Mu Ruqing naturally took Zhong Wan's shoulders, groaning: "Why don't you wait in the car? It's so cold outside."

Zhong Wan flashed her shoulders, avoiding Mu Ruqing's touch, lowered her head and handed her the coffee, "...your coffee."

Mu Ruqing took it and touched it: "It's already cold. Throw it away, I'll buy you a new one."

Zhong Wan didn't listen to her and opened the coffee lid without saying a word and started drinking.

After all, this was something that money bought, and she was reluctant to spoil it.

Mu Ruqing embraced Zhong Wan and got into the car. After Zhong Wan sat down, she thoughtfully helped her fasten her seat belt.

"This month's money has already hit your parents' passbook. They lived well in the mountains, so don't worry." Mu Ruqing said in a gentle tone, as if he gave all the tenderness of this life to the one next to him. Woman, "I also donated some money to the village committee so that they can renovate the elementary school you studied. When everything on hand is finished recently, I will accompany you back to the mountain."

Zhong Wan squeezed the paper cup of coffee, her tone was cold: "As long as the neighbors see you with me, they will guess my relationship with you. My parents will also know that I have nothing to do with the women who go out in the village. Different."

Mu Ruqing didn't speak for a while.

After a long time, she said, "Okay, I'm not going."

The car drove on the ring road and entered the endless stream of cars.

Zhong Wan looked at the bustling city outside the car window, and suddenly felt that this city was no different from when he first came twenty years ago.

Maybe... if she didn't come here twenty years ago, everything would be different.

When she was a child, she was just the most ordinary kid in the countryside. In her spare time, she helped her parents with farming, and she sat in a leaky mud classroom during class to listen to lectures. When she was in the second grade of elementary school, a family from the city suddenly found her and offered to support her to go to school in the city. The only requirement was to live with the family and accompany their daughter to study and grow up together.

At that time, everyone in the village felt that she was the luckiest child, who could be placed such precious hope by the rich.

But it took a long time for her to realize that she was just a gift from Mu Guocheng to Mu Ruqing.

At that time, Mu Guocheng had just brought home the illegitimate daughter Mu Xueyi. Mu Ruqing was very angry. In order to compensate her, Mu Guocheng picked up a beautiful girl from the countryside to play with her.

On the first day she arrived at Mu's house, Mu Ruqing arbitrarily controlled her by her side. Mu Ruqing did not allow her to accompany her for dinner, sleep with her, and her to go to the bathroom. Mu Ruqing did not allow it to exceed ten minutes.

Unforgiving YearsWhere stories live. Discover now