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A lot has happened in my life. 

From being miserably controlled by my parents, to finding my happiness with Levi and Violet. 

I haven't talk to my parents since that one time at the office. 

I don't even know if they were aware I had a child now.

But it's ok. 

It doesn't phase me. 

Levi takes really good care of me and his mother gives me all the parental love that I need and that I missed out on. 

Pepino got to experience so much as well.

He experienced a yard, many toys, love and affection, being protective over multiple people. 

He lived a great 16 and a half years. 

It was hard on all of us, but we did accept that things like this happen. 

Through the years, Levi and I have grown in so many ways. 

Relationship wise, we were at a stage where we were the strongest that we could be. We expressed many emotions for one another. We didn't really argue all that much anymore, and if we did it was for small little things that we could laugh about later. 

We never argued about money, Levi's salary alone was more than enough to keep us going. 

We did argue one time about how to properly give Violet a bath, but we let it go and laughed about it. We were both new to it so we were ready to learn together. 

Individually, Levi has become a better person. He smiles more. Even when its little things that Violet does. Or that Pepino did. 

He always puts Violet and I above everything else. Anything that comes to Violet, we are there. And Levi is always the first to know. He schedules any important meetings he needs to be at in the morning and other meetings that he can send Armin to, he schedules those for the afternoon so that he can miss and go to any event Violet has. 

And he did that for 18 years. 

We always encouraged her to find her own way, to find things she likes. 

She's a really talented girl. 

She's musically talented, artistically talented, and athletically talented. 

We introduced her to multiple things as a young child so she can find those things that she likes. 

As she went to college, she entered as a business major because she thought that's what we wanted from her. 

We all had a deep conversation with her. 

She didn't know her grandparents, my parents, and that they controlled every aspect of my life. 

I told her how unhappy in college I was, how I didn't get to experience the things that I wanted, how everything I did was to make them happy and to finally make them proud of me. And how I married Levi through a business deal, how we fell in love, and how I don't speak to my parents anymore. 

She shared that she thought going into the business ordeal would make us happy because Levi was doing that. 

Levi had told her this. 

"No matter what you do, we'll always have your back. We'll provide that support for you. Everything you do now makes us proud of you, we're more than happy to call you our daughter. You follow what you want to Violet. Take that opportunity and run with it. If you want to go into business, great, we'll help you every step of the way. If you want to go into science, we'll still be here and support you. If you want to become a lawyer, we're still gonna love you no matter what. You have the opportunity to make this life your own. So do it." 

She had no idea what she wanted to go to college for. But eventually she found her way and decided to go for Art Education. 

We have a lot of her art work hung up in our house. 

When she finally knew what she wanted to do, we were so proud of her, and she seemed to be a lot happier as well. 

Our bundle of joy is all grown up. 

I think Levi and I did a great job raising her. 

She's the kindest soul and cares about everyone. 

And to think, my life was in shambles when Levi and I first truly interreacted with one another.

To think he would truly be the love of my life. 

To get me out of my family. 

I'm the one that has control of my own life now. 

I'm working a job that I love. 

I'm married to a man who loves not only me, but our daughter. 

I'm so fortunate to have this life. 

I guess the whole married for business wasn't such a bad thing. 

Great things came afterwards. 

Who knows where life takes us next. 

Maybe Levi and I will travel. 

Maybe Levi and I will try and become foster parents. 

I just know that I'm happy. 

Whatever life brings us, we'll take it and fight it on together. 

There's still another chapter to our life. 

And I am more than happy to go through it standing next to Levi's side. 

I can make my own decisions. 

I can have my own opinions.

I can speak my mind. 

I can have the things that I want. 

And that's thanks to Levi. 

Because of him, my parents don't have that control over me. 

Because of him, my mental health sky rocketed. 

Because of him, I have my own life back. 

And it's perfect the way it is. 

Just Levi, Violet and I. 

Just our little family. 

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