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Third Person POV

That night, Levi went home without knowing Sasha went to Eren to tell him what she knew. 

That night, Levi pretended he didn't know anything and just blamed it on being really tired. 

Y/N didn't mind. 

She was preparing herself mentally to leave Levi and Pepino. 

She accepted that he wanted to rest up from his long day of work. 

She still didn't open up to him.

Y/N had no clue that he knew she wanted to run away. 

She was just hoping to leave in the middle of the night. 

Leave him a note, thanking him for everything he's done for her, but that she was ready to leave this life behind and that she was sorry for being a burden and for causing him so much trouble. 

She had it written out already. 

She worked on it all day today. 

She made dinner that night. 

A simple dinner. 

Just spaghetti. 

They both had no motivation to do anything. 

The last time Levi felt like this was when Petra left. 

Well, when she was ran out by his mother and uncle. 

They ate together but they didn't speak. 

They usually had small conversations with one another, but this night, no one spoke. 

Levi didn't want to speak and Y/N had nothing to say. 

It's usually Levi leading the conversation.

That night, they slept facing away from one another. 

Y/N found it a little weird just because Levi would ask how her day went when they were getting ready to sleep. 

But she just brushed it off and assumed that he was really tired and had a long day at work. 

Little did she know, he was laying there emotionally hurt.

He was confused. 

He would have liked to talk about what and how she was feeling. 

He didn't want her to feel like she was left in the dark. 

But he also didn't want to talk about stuff like that. 

He had no motivation. 

And he also thought that it would only lead to an argument. And he really didn't want that between them right now. 

That would maybe only drive her away even more. 

He didn't want that. 

But little did he know, they haven't argued in so long, and that was how he relieved stress sometimes. 

Who knows if he would have exploded if he mentioned it in that spot right there. 

There was just a somber tone in that apartment that night.

Now it was Thursday. 

Thursday afternoon to be specific. 

The whole Ackerman office knew something was up with their boss. 

Only 4 people knew what was us. 

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