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Levi POV

I am currently about to arrive to my meeting with Mr L/N. 

It is at his building and Y/N had gone into the office today because they said they could use the extra hands around the office. 

"Levi my boy, how are you? I feel like I haven't seen you in so long. When was the last time, at the wedding?" Her father said a little too chipper. 

"It's been a while sir." I said and we locked hands in a firm handshake. 

"One more thing sir, I heard the comments you made about Y/N's clothing yesterday I wanted to say-" I was interrupted. 

"No need to thank me son, my wife was the one that found the modest clothes for her." He said with a smile. 

"That wasn't the route I was going. I thought she dressed just fine. I didn't find it at all revealing and I believe it appeared to be business appropriate. Especially since my mother dresses the same way. It doesn't make either of them appear as if they are whores or that they are parading their bodies around for attention in the slightest bit." I said to him with attitude evident in my voice. 

"Well, your mother isn't a married woman, my daughter is. I expect her to dress modest now." 

His comment pissed me off. 

Y/N can dress however the hell she wants. 

He can't just say what she can and can't wear. 

"This is going to be a long meeting sir." I said with no emotion. 

And let me tell you. It was a very long meeting. 

We were at each others throat and couldn't really focus much on what we were speaking about until his secretary went to go get Y/N so we could talk for a bit so both parties could calm down. 

She showed me her small office, around the departments, their break room, she showed me the outer part of the bathroom she was hiding in that one day. 

After the small tour we were able to get back to business. 

That same night, Y/N told me how her dad was going on and on about how I don't show much respect and that I need to learn a thing or two about that. 

And of course, it was nice to hear that Y/N tried to defend me only to be shot down by her father for trying to speak against him. 

We went out for dinner that day since we had dinner together in the break room since she packed up some lunch for us since I would be there at around lunch time. 

We went to a nice local restaurant and their food was good. 

Very well worth it. 

We went home and we watched a movie together but Y/N fell asleep half way through it. 

She looked really tired when we arrived home. Even during dinner she appeared to be really tired. 

Once I had noticed she had fallen asleep she was completely out. She was snoring slightly and didn't wake up when the movie got loud out of nowhere. 

It was adorable. 

I tried waking her up so we can head to the room and she can get dressed into much better clothes for sleeping and she just groaned lightly and stirred. 

So I did the only logical thing. 

I carried her to the bedroom. 

I wasn't going to dress her in different clothes since there was no way for her to say she was ok with me actually doing that. 

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