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I woke up feeling terrible. 

I had a terrible head ache and I was feeling extremely nauseous. 

I made it to the bathroom in time to hurl into the toilet. 

Not long after I began I felt someone pull my hair back. That someone being Levi which I was very grateful for. 

Once I was done releasing my stomach contents I felt terrible, I felt really weak as well. 

As I had gotten up, Levi flushed the toilet and I leaned on him. 

I'm so glad that he's being caring right now other than trying to start an argument saying I'm disgusting or that I shouldn't of had drank too much or something.

The whole morning he spoke to me gently. 

Which really helped because any yelling or arguing would have made my head ache hurt even worse. 

Once he had taken me back to the bedroom I had slept for 2 hours. 

I don't know what Levi did during those two hours, but I know once I woke up, Eren was here at our apartment. 

I wasn't even ready to see him! 

He's gonna see me looking disgusting! 

After being awake for 10 minutes the bedroom door opened and in came Levi. 

"Hey you're awake now. How did you sleep?" He asked softly as he made his way to the side of the bed and sat down. 

"Peachy. I don't remember much of last night, I just know I woke up and ended up throwing up and you caring for me. I have a really bad head ache." I said complaining. 

"You're probably dehydrated. You had quite a bit to drink last night, when I said let loose I didn't think you'd actually get that drunk." He said with a light tone. 

"I heard Eren not too long ago. What is he doing here?" I asked him. 

"He brought you some Pedialyte  upon my request. I'll bring you some." He said to me. 

He got up and exited the bedroom. 

Then I started thinking about last night. 

A lot of it was a blur. 

I remember arriving, drinking, dancing, but I don't remember the whole night. I also remember a guy that had wanted to dance with me, but I don't remember how I got out of that situation. 

I also remembered Levi danced with me each time I wanted to dance and that he only had like 1 or 2 drinks. 

Another thought came to mind. 

How did I get into my sleep wear? 

I'm sure, if I can't remember majority of my night, I would have struggled to get into my clothes. 

Unless Levi helped me, that would be really really embarrassing. 

But then again he had to deal with my drunk self so which would be more embarrassing? 

Levi entered the room again and handed me a cup with what I assume was the Pedialyte he had spoken about. 

"What does this even do? Don't babies drink this?" I asked him. 

"It'll help with your dehydration, and if your blood sugar is low, it'll help raise it. You don't really have any contents in your stomach either, and I knew that so I made some breakfast while you were asleep." He said in such a soft tone. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu