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Levi POV 

The asshole really just smacked her with no shame. 

The facts that he did that pissed me off. 

I couldn't stand the fact that he laid his hands on her. 

She was already broken enough. 

She never had any freedom. 

Over the years I have grown sorry for her. 

Especially when her parents told me she had plans on running away with other man. 

The other man part didn't bug me at all. 

We're both forced into this. 

We didn't have a say.

We were just told that it was going to happen. 

I felt sorry for her because she wanted to get away. 

She had plans of getting away and her parents figured it out. 

I wish I had the strength to do that. 

I could have ran away already and lived a peaceful life with Petra. 

But that wasn't the case. 

When I scolded Y/N when I was told to come around after the incident, I didn't mean it as me getting mad at her. 

She had the opportunity of getting out of this and it flopped. She could have gotten both of us out of this. 

Her moves were childish, she could have done better. 

I don't blame her for wanting to run away. 

Her parents tell her what to do. Every little thing. She has a mind of her own, but she can't openly speak because her views are different than her parents. 

When Y/N was 16 and I had first heard about that Jean character, I felt hope that he was going to get us out of this marriage. That he could be the one to get us out of this mess. 

That they would run away and be able to live a decent life and we wouldn't have to spend any time together. 

Her parents told me about her plans, and I was rooting for them. I wanted to know when so I can possibly initiate a "business meeting" with her parents. 

But I never got a chance to ask Y/N and soon after, her parents asked me to come and possibly bring Y/N back to her senses after that other guy tried to take her away and ruin her future. 

I have had to sacrifice a few things myself. 

I had to let go of the one I truly loved. Petra Ral. W had plans for our future.

I had to cut ties with a few of my friends. 

I had to accept that this was what my life was coming to. 

The business deal was good. 

We would get a huge profit if people accepted to using her parent's products. 

My mother ran this marketing company for so long by herself and she isn't getting any younger. 

I have to take over soon. 

I've accepted it because of my mother. 

She's the one that was presented the business deal and said she was going to accept. 

She knew Petra was a huge part of my life, but she decided to throw that away. 

Told me that I would thank her later for this. 

I just wish Y/N's parents didn't find out about her wanting to run away. 

Maybe then we would both have a chance at being happy. 

We wouldn't be tied together and she would be living her life and I would be living mine. 

But like I told her, she'll have to accept it and that she isn't the only one going through this. 

I've decided that she can choose the things she wants for the wedding. She might as well have some control in her life. 

If her parents decide to take over, I'm taking that from her, and I'll let her know this from the get go. 

If we're both signing our life away, then I want her to at least enjoy the day the best she can. 

She's probably had it worse than me honestly. 

She's two years younger than me. 

She's had much stricter rules. 

I don't think either of us asked to be born into this. 

She'll learn to accept it. 

She probably wont be satisfied with where her life is going, but she'll end up accepting it just like I have. 

We lost our chance at happiness when her parents found out about her plans to run away. 

I regret that I couldn't do more for her. 

It's for my own selfish reasons yes, I don't want to marry Y/N. And she doesn't want to marry me. 

Yet we're forced into it together. 

She'll control the wedding plans and we'll pick a place to live together. 

I think I have been too tough on her, but it is for her own good. 

She has to forget about that other guy now. There really isn't turning back from here. 

We're supposed to talk about a date for the wedding soon. 

That's what was supposed to be discussed over dinner before it got cut short. 

Now I just need to wait for Y/N to text me so I can let her know I'm giving her control over the wedding plans. 

That it should be her dream wedding and all. 

I'll put up with any bullshit she wants to go through. 

And if her parents want control, again I'll take it back and she can have a say like that. 

She just has to stop being difficult with all of this. 

I had other plans for my life if I am completely honest. 

I was going to stay with the company but I was also going to marry for love. 

And Petra was just that. 

She taught me so much and made me enjoy the little things in life. 

But then my mother drove her away. 

I know why she did, but I didn't want her to. 

Now I've had to accept that I'll be marrying Y/N. 

There was no backing out of it. 

Although I can threaten to back out of it for her parents at least to treat her a little better. 

I shouldn't have ripped the picture of Y/N and Jean.

I wouldn't want her to touch a picture I had of me and Petra. 

But I got rid of those pictures a long time ago. 

I had to or else I wouldn't get to the spot that I am in right now. 

I've accepted Y/N and I are to marry. 

I've accepted that there is no way out of this. 

I've accepted that we're doing this as a business deal.

It is better Y/N gets rid of any memories she has of Jean sooner rather than later. 

Like I said, it would hurt less. 

If only she actually thought about what I said and not that I'm just trying to make her life difficult. 

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