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These past few days have gone pretty well between Levi and I. 

We've only argued one and it was for a stupid reason that we were able to laugh about later. 

But we really have been getting along nicely. 

I'm happy to say that. 

We have continued going on evening walks if we are up to it. 

I haven't gone back to the office these past days cause I wasn't needed. 

So I've spent my time at home doing things around the house. 

One day Hange took me out during the day so that I can get some fresh air and "talk to someone else so Levi doesn't corrupt me" as she put it. 

I'm really fitting in nicely with her. 

It has been amazing honestly. 

I have overall been cruising through life. 

Also me and Levi haven't kissed at all since he kissed me good night that other night. 

That kiss made me feel all giddy inside. 

I really think I am starting to develop something for him, but that be because we aren't arguing. 

And I am really enjoying when we aren't arguing. 

It gives us time to breath and actually be proper human beings. 

Living with each other has gotten easier, other than when one of us needs to shower or get dressed. 

Basically anything that involves us needing some sort of privacy cause we'll be naked or half naked we are awkward about and try to avoid. 

And sometimes when we're put in those situations Levi tends to tease me about it... and honestly, I'm not even mad about it. 

Unless he's just trying to get to bed... but even then I mean.... 

It was a nice day today and Levi was at the office and wasn't going to be back late because of a meeting he is apart off. 

He's going to someone else's office building and then he is going to go back to his office cause he is driving him and his mother. 

Since he is going to be out late today I decided I was going to be going to the park to enjoy the sun. 

The walk there was great. 

I stopped by the little bakery and ended up getting 4 blue berry muffins because I know that Levi really likes the muffins from there. 

I made small talk with Historia and I found out that her girlfriend Ymir actually helps her run the place but that she has been sick the past few days so she has stayed home. 

Historia also expressed that she is surprised that she hasn't gotten sick. 

I was walking to the park with no problems. 

You were able to see people walking around and kids playing on the play ground and running around. You were also able to see a few dogs walking around with their owners. 

I feel so blessed whenever I see dogs. 

It reminds me of Pepino... which reminds me, I haven't been to the pet store in a while. I hope Pepino found a great home. 

Or if he is still at the pet store, he has to wait for Levi to come around to the idea of having a puppy. 

Maybe I can blame that I get lonely through the day and that I just want to have someone around... and that someone can be a puppy named Pepino. 

I got to the park and found a bench to sit at. 

It was close to the playground but enough to have some distance where I don't look like a total creep. 

The sun was nice and warm. 

The atmosphere here was very welcoming and felt very lively. 

"Ms Y/N!" I heard someone shout. 

I'll admit I was startled because I was in my own world to start off. 

I turned to see where I was called from and it was by the playground. 

It was Tanya!

"Tanya sweetheart! How are you?" I asked her cheerfully. 

She came up to me and hugged me which was a little unexpected. 

"I'm doing good. I actually came with my friends today! One of my friend's uncle is watching us today. We came yesterday and he brought us here yesterday too. How's Mr Levi?" She asked. 

"He's well, he's actually at work right now. I'm really happy to hear that you have been able to come here and enjoy your time!" I said smiling at her. 

"Did you want a blueberry muffin?" I asked her and she nodded her head eagerly. 

She is absolutely adorable! 

She sat with me and I handed her a muffin which she gladly took. 

She began telling me about how school is going and how she thinks this one boy likes her but that she doesn't like him. 

She also told me how there is a girl in her class that reminds her of me and she was hoping she would see me and Levi again because of how nice we were to her. 

"I promise my mom isn't always like that. She has just been a little busy with work ever since our babysitter quit." She said to me. 

Babysitter aye?? 

I would have to talk to Levi. 

He would probably say no about it. But it would never hurt to just ask honestly. 

I still have her mothers number as well. So I can really ask her personally if she wanted to take up the offer. 

But again, I would have to ask Levi about it all. 

"Tanya? Where did you go?" I heard a man's voice calling out for her.

He sounded familar but I couldn't pinpoint from where. 

Maybe someone from the wedding? 

"There you are, what did I say about running off and talking to strangers and you have a muffin. Listen thanks but you shouldn't-... Y/N?" 

I know where I heard the voice from before. 

Things were going so well with Levi that I sort of forgot about him. 

I didn't even know he was in this part of town. 

Everything I felt for Levi was out the window. 

He couldn't compare. 

I began to shake. 

I was feeling overwhelmed. 


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