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Levi POV

I awoke to the front door slamming shut and my mother shouting. 

"LEVI ACKERMAN YOU GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!" She shouted very angrily. 

It was the middle of the night. 

A little before midnight. 

"Why are you being so loud? It's late. You're gonna disturb other people." I said coming out of my room holding my head. 

So the hang over begins. 

"Guess who I just drove home? You were the one that brought her here and yet you were the one that decided to leave and go out drinking with your buddies only to come home and be rude to her. Do you understand how upset she was? If I knew you were going to be such an ass to her, I would have taken her to the conference with me." My mother said sounding furious. 

The hell did I say? 

"Oh don't give me that look Levi. What you did hurt her and made her want to go home. You said you wanted to get her out of there right? You basically sent her back. If anything you should have been the one on that couch. Kicking out of your room was extremely rude. She was only trying to help you out." She said still mad. 

"Well it is already done. There isn't anything I can do." I said to her. 

"You better call her tomorrow and apologize to her." 

"Yeah yeah I will." I said to her still holding my head. 

"I thought you said you were going to stop drinking. You know how you get when you drink." She said with less irritation. 

"Yeah well I had to opportunity to drink so I took it." I told her. 

"Levi, what is going on? Something else is going on and you aren't telling me." She said sounding more concerned than anything. 

"I saw her ok! I saw Petra. And she was with some guy. You don't understand how much that hurt. She was one of the good things in my life and because of this stupid marriage she couldn't stay. Even though I wanted her, it just wasn't going to be possible." I said shouting a little. 

"I thought you said you were over her." My mom said. 

"I said that in hopes of believing it. I have accepted that I'm ending up with Y/N. I've accepted that it didn't happen out of my own free will though. I had to accept it or else it would make things a lot more harder." I said to her. 

"Sweetheart, I know this is hard for the both of you, but you have to understand that we benefit greatly from this. Did I ever tell you your uncle Kenny kept me from getting into the same situation as you. Our parents were furious that I wasn't going to marry a wealthy man. I was in love with someone else. The company was going to me and Kenny was happy for me, but didn't want to see me in a miserable marriage. I was with the guy I was in love with and eventually, he ended up leaving me mid way through my pregnancy. Kenny said this worked out cause I was pregnant and had someone I would be able to pass the company on to. He said it was my choice if I wanted to send you into a business marriage. Then we got offered a deal, and since you wouldn't be the one to carry the child, I thought it would be best go this way. I know you aren't happy with it, but I know this will work out. Especially how you are already caring for her well being." She said leaning against the wall. 

"I had someone mom. I had someone solid. I was ready to marry her. Now I am here getting into a marriage that probably won't work... Mom I really don't want to have this conversation right now. My head hurts and I just want to sleep some more." 

She sighed and then said, "Ok, just know this is the better route. Just apologize to Y/N tomorrow. Good night sweetheart." 

"Good night mom." I said to her and walked into my room. 

I guess I fucked up with whatever I said to Y/N. 

There is going to be tension between us for a while. 

She'll probably want time away. 

Or maybe her parents will force her to be around me. 

I can give her some space. 

I need to apologize to her tomorrow though. 

I couldn't shake the image of Petra today. She looked so happy with someone else. 

She looked like she had no problems in her life. 

Maybe we weren't meant to be together. 

But then we had to pull away from one another. 

I let out a sigh and managed to get comfortable on my bed. 

There was one spot on my bed that smelled like Y/N. 

My pillow and my blanket a bit. 

I can't believe I was mean to her. 

My mom did have a point, I brought her here to get away from her house and I only pushed her back there. 

I do want to protect her but not because I have feelings for her, but because she is vulnerable. 

She doesn't have the freedom that some of us have. 

I know I don't have complete freedom, but it is much more than she has. 

I just need to talk to her. 

I'll do it tomorrow.  

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang