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Dinner last night was good. 

We spoke about little things. We spoke about his work day, any upcoming meetings, when I needed to go back to the office, and little things like that. 

Then after we had dinner, we sat on the couch eating some of the chocolate covered almonds together. 

If someone were to walk in and see us, they wouldn't of had assumed that we were at each others neck the past few days. 

They would just see a possible relationship sitting and watching TV while they enjoy some chocolate. 

Neither of us brought up what happened the other day. 

And I just assumed it was because we were both enjoying the time we were spending with one another. 

We weren't arguing, we weren't talking back to one another. 

We were genuinely enjoying the company of one another. 

When it was time for bed, I wanted to cuddle but Levi seemed hesitant with it. 

So we had light conversation and when he faced me I moved close to him. 

We haven't cuddled in a while and I've missed it. 

I've missed Levi in general. 

I'll admit, when we aren't arguing and when we are spending nice time with one another, I have feelings for him. 

But when this man is arguing with me and being difficult, I truly feel all of that leave my body. 

I decided on not telling him that I acknowledge he doesn't want me to talk to Jean. 

I didn't think that was the right time to bring it up. 

I do want to have that conversation with him though. 

He called off work today so he can take me to the pet store so we can go get Pepino!! 

I was so excited. 

I couldn't stop smiling and talking in the car about how much Levi was going to love him. 

I would catch Levi smiling slightly here and there when I would look at him when explaining things.

We arrived at the pet store and I got overly excited! 

Pepino was there yesterday so he has to be there today!

"Come on Levi!" I said excitedly. 

We entered the pet store and I dragged him to where the puppies are and Pepino was still there!

"Levi he's still here!... Hi baby." I said cooing at Pepino. 

"3 month old beagle, color, tan and white, in good health, updated on shots it can receive as of recently and he's neutered. His name... the name they currently have him under is Stanley." Levi said reading the little card that was on his cage. 

His tail was wagging and he was jumping around just a bit. 

"Hi cutie. Who's a good boy?" I was cooing at Pepino again. 

I'm in love! 

Levi had just been looking at the dog. 

"Isn't he adorable?" I asked him. 

Levi just kept looking at the dog. 

Pepino had yawned while looking at Levi and it was the cutest thing ever! 

"What are your thoughts?" I asked Levi while still looking at Pepino. 

He stayed quiet for a few moments before letting out a sigh. 

"He's cute, I'll admit. Beagles shed heavily though. So we will need to clean much more regularly. He won't be allowed up on the couch or bed. No table food, we need to get him a crate. We also need air fresheners so our place doesn't end up smelling like dog, we have to walk him a few times a day since we live in an apartment, and-" I had cut him off. 

"You kind of don't want the dog do you?" I asked him. 

"That's not it, there's just a lot of responsibility that comes with this Y/N. And I'm sure you know that. It's just... do you think you are ready for that? I don't have any doubt in you, it's just going to be tough for a while." Levi said with concern while looking at me. 

"I believe I'm ready for that. I'll have time on my hands." I said smiling softly at him. 

"Let's find someone who can help us with the adoption then." Levi said with a soft tone. 

I smiled widely and hugged him. 

We looked around for someone who can help us and eventually we did. 

They were super helpful, they let us play around with Pepino and eventually you were able to tell Levi warmed up to him. 

We did the paperwork and we were able to take him home that same day. 

We bought him a little crate, some dog food, a few toys, we got him a green ball that was probably bigger than him, a food and water bowl, we bought some puppy treats and puppy pads, a bed, and we got him a leash that was black and a small collar that was green. 

I was very very excited for all of this. 

I just wanted to cuddle up with him! 

When we got home, Levi set up Pepino's crate. We put his collar on right away. 

While Levi was setting up his crate, I was playing around with Pepino with one of the toys we got him. 

He did however have a tendency to attempt to nip at me which we would have to work on. 

By the time Levi completely finished up with setting up the crate and putting his bed in there as well, Pepino already ended up taking a nap on my lap. 

He was so cute! 

"When he wakes up we need to take him outside right away." Levi said and I nodded my head. 

I was petting him as he was laying on my lap.

Levi sat with us and he looked a little tired. 

"He looks peaceful as he sleeps." He said while petting Pepino. 

"He's going to be a handful though. He has that puppy energy. It's adorable, but he does need to be trained." I said while smiling down at Pepino. 

"He is also going to need a lot of affection." Levi said. 

"And of course he will receive all of it. Everything I have will be going into this dog. He's worth it." I smiled at Levi. 

I was so excited to raise Pepino. 

It's like he's my own. 

I get to shape him as I want. 

We get to play together. 

It's just exciting. 

And I know Levi will help me out every now and then when I need it. 

Ahhh I can't wait until I can see Levi and Pepino playing together. 

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