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Levi ended up coming to pick me up before lunch time, he ended up taking me home. 

I ended up freaking out badly in my office alone and called him to get me.

He knew I wasn't in the best emotional state that I could have been so he thought it would be best that I just go home. 

He was also able to tell that I had been scratching my cheek again. 

I didn't tell him what my dad said to me and I did end up shutting him out. 

He tried to joke around with me, but I wasn't having it. 

I didn't have the energy to joke around with him. 

Levi tried his best to make me happy, but I only ended up crying and I wouldn't open up and tell him why. 

He knew it had to do with my father but he didn't know exactly why I was upset with what my father had said. 

And going to the office to yell at him wasn't going to do anyone any good until I told him what actually what had occurred. 

When he took me back to our apartment, I got upstairs and only cried. 

I just cried and cried.  

Even when I took Pepino outside, I cried. 

I was on the toilet, I cried. 

I was watching a movie, I cried. 

And I would occasionally end up scratching my face. 

I had no motivation to get any work done. 

No work, no cleaning, I was barely watching Pepino. 

Of course I didn't let him destroy anything, but I really couldn't focus on only him. 

I just felt empty. 

I felt no happiness. 

Seeing Levi didn't even make me feel better or make me feel happy.

When he had came home that night, he tried comforting me, but I shut him out. 

And he respected it, but he said, "I'm not going to leave you alone to cry. Maybe tomorrow, but not right now." 

So I didn't let him touch me, but he would sit with me and not letting me be alone to cry. 

When we were sitting on the couch, and we were sitting on opposite sides. 

When he had made dinner, and we were sitting at the island, I moved my stool a little farther from him. 

I also didn't eat much but Levi made sure I had at least something in my stomach. 

When it came to sleeping, I didn't want to cuddle at night. 

I didn't even face towards Levi. 

Levi asked if he could put his arm around me and I said no and he ultimately just sighed and let it at that. 

He tried to talk about what happened at the office but I just cried when he brought it up and started scratching my face.

He also made me clip my nails, because he said they were getting long and that it was dangerous I was scratching my face with them. 

Especially for when he goes to work, he said there is no way of him stopping me while he was out. 

Which is valid. 

I appreciate him looking out for me. 

He really just wants the best for me. 

I feel bad for shutting him out, but at the same time, I don't really. 

I just want to be away. 

Away from everything. 

That's why I decided, I was going to the park to see Jean while Levi is at work to see if he can get me out.

That's the only option I have. 

It's the only way I'll actually be able to leave. 

To be able to run away and leave everything behind. 

My parents. 

The company. 



It's sad, but I don't want this life anymore. 

Well, I don't want that work life. 

I don't want to be seen as a disappoint anymore. 

I don't want to be around my father. 

Or my mother. 

I don't want to be a part of the company anymore. 

It's only ever brought me sadness and disappointment.

Its brought upon all these negative emotions that I don't even know how to describe. 

So, I'll just exclude myself from this life and move on to other things. 

But then there is Levi. 

The man who I have grown attached to.

The man who I adopted a puppy with.

The man who I know wants the best for me. 

The man who sticks up for me when my father brings me down. 

I have to give him up too if I want to get out of this life. 

But this all depends if Jean wants to get away as well. 

I was headed to the park that Levi said we couldn't go to anymore. 

I brought Pepino with me so that he could run around or something. 

I don't even know if Jean was going to be there at the park. 

I am sort of just guessing and hoping he'll be there. 

And if he isn't I'll try again the next day. 

Maybe the next day after that. 

Then, maybe I'll take that as a sign as I'm not supposed to leave and I'm supposed to be miserable from here on out.

But if he is here then, I'll take that as my sign that I am supposed to run away. 

That I have time to do so. 

Its a Tuesday afternoon. 

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping. 

Everything seemed to have a sort of life to it. 

I felt as if I was missing a part of that life. 

I crossed the bakery Historia works at. 

I didn't see her through the window, maybe I'll catch her on the way back to the apartment. 

I made it to the park. 

I looked around a bit and didn't see Jean. 

Maybe they haven't arrived yet. 

I also don't see any of the little girls he is usually taking care of. 

Like Tanya, I don't see her on the play ground. 

I'll just sit on a bench. 

Pepino was running around in front of me. 

He was trying to chase leaves here and there. 

It was adorable. 

I was sitting on the bench for 15 minutes watching Pepino play around by himself when someone sat next to me. 

Just the guy I was looking for. 


He smiled at me.

I couldn't help but smile back softly.

So this really is my sign to run away. 

I'll take it. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum