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Levi POV

Y/N was in the bedroom and she had returned not long after.

I'll admit, she looked cute, she dressed nicely, but not fancy for the picture.

She had on shorts and a grey long sleeve shirt.

It was a basic outfit, but it looked nice on her.

I set Pepino on the ground and got up.

Y/N looked excited.

"You look nice." I said to her, pulling out my phone.

"Thank you." She said smiling a bit.

I set my phone upright for the picture.

"Grab Pepino, we're gonna take a few of them." I said to her adjusting my phone camera.

She grabbed him and was standing in frame.

"It's a timer for 10 seconds so we have a bit of time. Are you ready?" I saw her nod.

I clicked it and quickly made it to them.

It was a pretty basic picture.

She was carrying Pepino and leaned her head on my shoulder.

I had my arms wrapped around her.

We took a few more just so we have a few to choose from.

"We don't have a nice picture of just us. Other than those two wedding photos, but we both look miserable." Y/N had said.

"Did you want a nice one of just us?" I asked her.

"A little." She said timidly.

"Put Pepino down then. We'll take a few of just us."


"Yes, not hurry before I change my mind." I said jokingly to her.

I clicked the button and made my way to her. We were posing.

She had one hand on my chest and one on my back.

Both of my hands were wrapped around her.

In the midst of one of our pictures I had to yell No at Pepino which was caught.

Y/N Laughed at that one.

We went through all the picture and I sent her the ones she liked.

While Y/N was heating up dinner, I was going through the pictures to see which ones I ended up liking.

It was one where Y/N was holding Pepino, she was looking at me with a genuine smile and I was looking at her with a genuine soft smile.

I set that as my lock and home screen.

Things aren't all that bad anymore.

We're enjoying one another's company, and you can see that evidently. 


The day at the office was rough. 

After going out to lunch with Levi, it had just gotten worse. 

I was called over here, over there, back over there. I was all over the place. 

And it didn't help that my dad kept calling me in so that I can deliver his paperwork to some of his staff and then yell at me to pick up the pace. 

It was very frustrating. 

Then at the end of the day, he was telling me how my performance that day was very low, that he expected much more from me. 

He explained how I should have been able to take on today's work load in a more timely fashion. 

It isn't even my fault. People were handing me stuff when they wanted to. 

Then I got yelled at and when I tried explaining he just got more furious with me and blamed me for sales going down. 

Saying I'm not making the catalogs look top notch like they used to be. 



And when I told my dad that, he smack me, told me to shut up and said that I should take his words in. That it doesn't matter if I created the catalogs or not, I'm the one distributing them so I need to contact the people in our workplace that deal with it and speak to them and tell them they are doing poorly. 

It's very frustrating to go through. 

That's why I got really upset. 

And it didn't help that Levi had gotten upset as well and wanted to go talk to my dad. I really just wanted to go home. 

It had been tense in the car, but when we arrived at the apartment, it felt better. I was able to take my time in the bathroom as Levi took Pepino out. 

He really does try and I see that. 

I didn't tell him about what my dad said that day right in the moment, but I did tell him later that night when we had been talking before we fell asleep. 

He had gotten mad that he had said that to me, but he said he would deal with in the morning. 

I wasn't going to stop him. 

Levi would just tell me he wouldn't do anything if I tried to stop him, but he would really act on his own and go and talk to my dad regardless. 

Levi has been pretty bipolar lately as well. He can be mad about something unrelated to me and he'll express it a little but then he'll look at me and calm himself and then try and joke around with me or something of that nature. 

It's a little concerning, just cause we haven't argued ourselves in a while, so maybe he's just holding it all in. 

He seems really stressed quite a bit of the time as well which sucks. 

He hasn't told me anything that is stressing him out at work so maybe its something internally that he is going through. He isn't a very open person so maybe its something he doesn't want to share. 

Which I can and have to accept ultimately. 

I found it really adorable that he wanted to take pictures with Pepino and me. 

And he was the one that brought it up first! 

I'm really appreciating his efforts that he is putting into this. 

He had sent them to me and I absolutely loved them all. 

Especially since in one of them he had look at me with what seemed to be such admiration in one of them while I was looking at Pepino because he was moving around. 

I couldn't help but smile at that picture. 

I absolutely loved it. 

Should I set it to my home screen? 

Would that be a little weird?

Maybe it would be a little weird because we aren't really into each other that way. 

He is moving something in me. 

I know I said I wanted to run away again with Jean, but that feeling is going away now since Levi and I are in a pretty decent spot with one another. 

Its not anywhere near love, but it is more something like I enjoy his presence and don't mind being around him. 

And I feel that from him as well. 

At least I think I do. 

I'm pretty happy. 

I look forward to the time I get to spend with Levi. 

It really makes my heart warm. 

I wonder if he feels the same about me.

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