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Today I am in the office. 

I haven't been into the office since before my bed dream. 

I'll admit, I'm really nervous to be going in. 

Especially to see my father. 

Levi was a little concerned for me this morning because I was hesitant to go. But I feel ready to go in. I've been avoiding it for a while. 

He did say that he was going to come see me during lunch time. 

And I also have things to do specifically at the office. 

My parents said they wanted to talk to me. 

I entered the office and greeted everyone that I saw with a small smile. 

I put my things in my office and went to go see my parents. 

I'm not excited at all, but I can pull through, I know I can. 

I knocked on the office door and waited to be called in. 

"Enter." I heard my dad say. 

My breathing became a little uneven at the sound of his voice. 

Its ok. 

It was just a dream. 

I entered the office and closed the door behind me. 

"Good morning mother, father. I hope you two are doing well." I said smiling a little. 

"We've been better. Ugh... we gave you clothes for a reason Y/N. We expected you to wear the more presentable business attire other than your other clothes. It's always something with you... Anyway, we have to talk though... You have to attend a a dinner function this weekend for the company. And you are taking Levi with you." My dad said sternly. 



What if Levi and I had plans this weekend?

"Oh, I didn't know about it. Uh its just-" I was interrupted. 

"You're going Y/N. Your mother and I can't attend and someone needs to be there. You're the next option. You can't back out of it." My father said. 

"Father I would need to talk to Levi about it, I don't know if he has anything planned. I can't just dump that on him out of no where." I said sounding a little freaked out. 

I know that he wouldn't be mad or anything, but I just feel like it is a little unfair to him if I just drop that on him without enough time in advance.  

"Y/N. This is for the company. You need to go. It isn't up for debate. You are going." He said sternly. 

"But I just think-" 

"Y/N!" My dad said sounding irritated and annoyed. 

I let out a sad sigh. 

"You're going. You're mother got you a dress as well. Don't disappoint us... You tend to do that a lot." He said sternly but whispered the last part. 

I felt myself starting to get uncomfortable. 

"Ok." I said and looked down at my feet. 

I barely entered in. I want to get out of this office so I can call Levi. 

He should still be on his way to the office. 

"You're mother will hand you a dress at the end of the day. Be sure to come here to pick it up. She has work set for you to do today. Follow her. I want to hear no complaints from you Y/N... You already make so many." My dad said to me. 

So much for calling Levi. 

I followed my mother to a little mail cart. She wants me to hand people their mail, along with transporting documents from department to department if I am asked to do so. They're also having me take a few phone calls when I can since the receptionist hasn't been feeling well. 

First he commented on my clothes, now they're going to have me running around. Last time that happened I was already tired by the time I went out to lunch with Levi. 

So that's going to be happening again I assume. 

I didn't even wear my gym shoes today. I'm in heels again because I didn't think I'd be running around again. 

I began going around and made small conversations with people here and there. They would ask me how Levi was doing, how marriage was going, if we've talked about kids, things like that. 

No one really knows it's a forced marriage. 

There are some people from this company and some people from Levi's company that know it was forced, but not many people know. Cause of that were to get out, that would look kind of bad on us. 

I don't get why they would take that chance instead of being truthful and just telling them it was forced, or just allow us to live our own lives and marry the people we wanted to. 

It was lunch time and I had worked much harder than the last time I was running around. 

I was taking phone calls when the receptionist needed to step away, I was handing out mail, taking paper work between departments, making sure everyone had everything they needed so that they can function properly. I had to file some paperwork as well. 

Well, help someone file paperwork. 

We had a new person and he didn't know how to file paperwork, I had assumed they would have showed him. But I guess not. 

Unless he was just being a weirdo and wanted to be around me. 

But I'll take it as they never showed him and he needed to learn how to do it for future reference. 

Levi was almost here so that we can go out for a quick lunch together. 

"Well, excuse me, but you look terrible. I'm assuming they have you working excessively." Levi said as I entered his car. 

I gave him a look and heard him chuckle. 

"I'm running around again like last time." I said to him and I rested my head on the back head rest. 

"I'm sorry you've had a rough morning." He said as he drove off. 

"Where are we going for lunch?" I asked him. 

"We're going to the fast food joint we went to last time." He said focusing on the road. 

"Hmmm... Oh the one where that guy called out to me! That one right?" I asked him. 

"That's the one." He said. 

"That was a nice place." I said smiling at him. 

We were speaking a little before we got to the place. 

When we got there we ordered our food and stepped aside to wait for our food to be done. 

I have to tell him about the event this weekend. 

I can tell him when we get home later tonight. 

Lunch was nice with him. 

We joked around a bit and we ate in his car in the parking lot outside of my office.

I think this is the most recent time where we have actually had things be ok between us. Where we aren't arguing, where it isn't tense, where we are enjoying one another. 

I really like this. 

I just hope my dad doesn't ruin it. 

Or anyone else outside of Levi and I's own bubble that we created together. 

We have our own way of living. 

And I am getting used to the thought of us being together. 

I'm getting used to the thought that he is actually my husband. 

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