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Levi POV

In the middle of the night, Y/N was moving around quite a bit. 

It was a little bothersome, but it was weird cause she doesn't really move around while she sleeps. 

She did manage to wake me up though. 

I peeked over at her, maybe she was just trying to get comfortable and didn't know she was causing a ruckus, which ended up waking me up. 

"Y/N you're moving too much." I said quietly. 

She just kept moving. 

She was also making noises. 


Then I turned on the lamp on my bedside table. 

"Y/N, you kicking around isn't going to make you anymore comfortable." I said to her. 

But she wasn't awake. 

She was shaking her head from side to side, kicking her feet a bit, and whispering things. 

I did know she was talking about a guy though. 

She kept whispering something like He... something... it. 

It was a breath whisper.

But she really doesn't seem like she's all that comfortable. 

She also looked like she was going to cry. 

So a nightmare. 

Now I feel like an asshole for thinking that she was just causing a ruckus to do so. 

"Hey Y/N... Y/N" I tried shaking her slightly in an attempt to wake her up. 

"Y/N." I shook her a little harder. 

I'm glad I was on her side and that I have fast reflexes, cause she shot up from her shot and was screaming. 


She was scratching her face very hard. 

Like hell I'm going to just let her hurt herself like that.

"Worthless... Useless... Worthless... Useless." She was shouting as she was scratching herself.

I tried grabbing onto her but she was really just moving so much to not be in my grasp.

She was both Hyperventilating and crying and still trying to scratch at her face. 

I then realized that I actually had to use force with her, that I actually had to grab her with a good amount of strength. 

After a little she had calmed down but was still crying. 

She was worrying me. 

She's never actually had a nightmare here. 

I don't even know how I can help her. 

She doesn't want me touching her.

"You were having a pretty bad nightmare. Are you ok?" I asked her softly. 

Hopefully this will encourage her to open up a bit.

Y/N was still sitting there crying. 

As she was crying she moved towards me and pulled me into a hug. 

"No." She whispered.

The hug was a surprise to me. 

She hasn't wanted me to touch her in a few days. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now