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Third Person POV

Once things between Levi and Y/N died down, they were able to sit and have a decent talk.

"The day that you had to pick me up, like I said, my father said things similar to what he said in my dream... it really hurt and I didn't know how to cope with it. I was sort of just acting out on my own because I didn't want to be associated with the company anymore." Y/N had stated. 

Levi just sat and let her speak. 

"I felt really alone during that time. And I knew I had you, but my mind was just telling me to get away, drop everything and just run away from everything. Especially since my dad said that he wished I wasn't his daughter. So my plan was to just get away and make my dad happy. I was going to disassociate myself from the company by running away." 

Y/N fiddled with her thumbs. 

"I know you had said to not go back to the park, but I did. And that was mainly because I knew that Jean would be there, or at least I was hoping for him to be there, and that I would talk him into running away with me. I didn't know that he would agree or anything, I was sort of just hoping that he was going to agree and drop everything. But now that my mind is kind of clear, I can see that he was trying to get into my head."

Y/N sort of blanked out and just began rambling. 

And Levi wasn't going to stop her. 

She needed to get all this out. 

"And I think that's how it was in high school as well. I was so hung up on the idea of running away that, I was willing to get away from my parents no matter what. I didn't want to marry anyway out of force... I didn't want to be seen as just a business deal... And Jean made me feel that back then... But then I think its cause I was willing to accept any form of affection." 

Levi still listened to her speak. 

"Growing up, I never really received affection from my parents. They were constantly switching out babysitters as well so I couldn't even get attached to one for a solid time before they switched up on me... Both of them were constantly working, and they never really made time for me... It was almost like I was a burden they were coming home to. Even when they were home, my mom would make dinner, or even the babysitter would, we'd sit at the dinner table, and they wouldn't let me speak. They said dinner time was quiet time... which really meant shut up and eat your food." Y/N smiled sadly while reminiscing. 

Levi thought about interjecting until she continued. 

"I think that's why I fell for Jean. He was my escape from that. He was the first one to show interest in me and the first person to keep pestering me about being my friend. Even after my parents told me to stay away from him, I couldn't and he wasn't going to let me... But then we spoke about running away... And I loved the idea. I would romanticize it no matter what. I thought about the freedom I would have, the decisions I would be able to make, the school I would get to go to, the guy I was going to marry and have kids with... Heck I was even going to start talking during dinner."

Y/N chuckled but felt tears coming to her eyes. 

"But then that was all stripped away... home life was absolutely miserable after that. If you think my parents were strict before then, hell no. All through college, they hand picked my classes for me, the study groups I would be apart of, the clubs and organizations I would join, the professors I had, clothes I would leave the house in. Everything. They had someone picking me up from campus as well. That's sort of why I don't drive... that and because they figured I would rebel one day and just take a car and leave. I always wished for that day to come when they would let me take Drivers Ed... but that never came." 

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