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Levi POV

Y/N was upset all of yesterday evening once I returned. 

She didn't even want to cuddle when we were ready for bed. 

She just laid there crying and didn't want to be held. 

I tried talking to her about it but she really just dismissed me. 

It didn't lead to an argument at all, but when I kept pestering her she almost went to go sleep in the living room. 

That was until I said I'll go sleep there and in the middle of the night I returned to our bedroom and she still look like she had a lot on her mind even as she slept. 

I don't think I did anything wrong. 

And even if I did, I usually know what I did wrong. 

She seemed to have a lot on her mind since I had seen her in the evening so that wasn't great to see. 

There was a knock on my door and before I could speak someone had entered. 

"Braus I have told you many many times that you are to wait for me to invite-" I began but she cut me off. 

"They met at the park yesterday." She looked a little distraught. 

"Who?" I asked intrigued as I didn't know who she was talking about. But yet annoyed that she decided to just walk in and interrupted me.

"Jean and Y/N." 

Well that was shocking. 

That might be the reason why she was upset. 

"Go on." I said as I pointed to the seat in front of my desk. 

She looked almost frightened. 

"Last night, Jean, Connie and I were on face time and Jean had mentioned that he ran into Y/N at the park. That he had taken his niece to the park with a few of her friends. She's an adorable kid, she is very well mannered as well. Anyway, he had explained to us that one of her friends had ran off to a lady who was sitting on a bench near by eating a blueberry muffin. The little girl wasn't one to just run away or run off so he got concerned when he didn't see her with the other girls... what was her name... Tara?... Talia?... no maybe it was Tasha..." She had trailed off. 

"Tanya." I said out loud. 

"Tanya!! Yes it was her!... How did you know that?" She asked a little confused. 

"We've seen her at the park and she walked up to Y/N and I when there was a man who kept trying to lead her to his car. Continue your story." I said to her beginning to get a little annoyed at this all. 

"Right sir. So Jean was looking around for Tanya and he saw that she was with her and they were both eating muffins. So Jean got startled because of the fact that a stranger was talking to the girl he was supposed to be watching, only to find out that it was Y/N. He said that she looked startled to see him and that she looked a little uncomfortable. It was weird because Jean lit up when he was telling us this story. He has usually been able to keep his composure regardless on what he is speaking about. That man isn't over her one bit and that's a scary thought honestly." She said beginning to avoid eye contact. 

"And why would you say scary?" I asked her. 

"I've never seen him with anyone. He is a really big flirt, but he has always had it in his head that Y/N was meant for him. Connie and I heard that all through college that somehow, some way, he was going to end up with Y/N, that he just knew it. That maybe high school wasn't the right time for them to start their life together. And he expressed that last night as well. He still really wants to be with her."

I was beginning to get annoyed. 

Annoyed that this guy is attempting to get back into Y/N's life. 

Annoyed that he probably knows she's married. 

Annoyed that I don't even know what Y/N is thinking at a time like this. 

"Does he know she's married?" I asked her trying to mask my annoyance and frustration. 

"Yes... he talked about the ring... he said it was nice but that he can end up doing much better on a ring than what she has on now cause to him she's definitely worth it. He is completely and fully aware that she is married but he doesn't know that I am employed by her husband. I promise not to speak of any of this to him. Even though he is my friend and I want the best for him, Connie and I know that this is kind of an unhealthy obsession. I don't believe she is in any harm or anything like that, it's just that things can end up being rough for you two. I hear the two of you are in a better spot than you were when you had first moved in together and when you had the wedding. Why should that be ruined?" She looked hurt. 

I don't know how I am feeling. 

What if she doesn't even tell me that she saw him at the park yesterday? 

I'll just pretend that I don't know. 

"There is one other thing sir... He told her that he would be at the park in two days at around the same time that they had gone before. He said that she was welcomed to join him if she wanted. I don't know if she will show up, but if she does then I know I'll hear about it. Think of me as a little spy." She said with a soft awkward smile. 

"I hope you don't expect a pay raise out of this." I said to her. 

"Of course not sir. I wouldn't ask for that." She said. 

"Is there anything else?" I asked her hoping there was no more so she can get out of my office. 

Maybe I can just go home and see if Y/N is up to talk. 

If she isn't she isn't. 

But I'll just let her assume I don't know what's going on so I can hear what they got planned. 

Or if Jean is the one that has anything planned. 

This is annoying. 

"I don't believe so sir... it seems as though he is trying to get into her head though with the thought that the marriage is anything but good. He wants her to maybe see that there is life beyond having to listen to her parents every step of the way... She was the one that said she had to leave though. He said she had looked a little uncomfortable when she had to leave." 

"I see... I expect you to keep me updated Braus. Take a longer lunch today." I said to her and dismissed her. 

"Heck yeah! I don't think you know how much that means to me sir! Thank you!' She said as she got up and got out of my office. 

I'm going home. 

I don't want to be here. 

I got my things and went to my mom's office. 

"I'm going home for the day." I said to her. 

"It's not even noon yet!" She said. 

"I'm not feeling the best. So instead of taking that out on others, I'll just go home and decompress." I said to her. 

"If you say so, just remember about that meeting we have tomorrow bright and early." She said and dismissed me. 

I left the building and was frustrated. 

I want her to go see Jean at the park to see how that plays out but yet I don't just because we are in a good spot between us. 

This isn't ideal. 

This fucking sucks. 

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