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Levi POV

Y/N freaked out last night while things were getting heated between us. 

I really don't know why she did end up freaking out, but she did and it ended up scaring me a bit If I am completely honest. 

It was all going so well and then she just started panicking. 

I didn't know if it was something that I had ended up doing or if it was something that Y/N had going on with herself. 

Things were well, I had my shirt off, Y/N had her shorts off, she ended up giving me a hickey on my collar bone, she was on top at one point, my hand was in her panties at another point and then she just ended up freaking out. 

So of course I was going to stop. I didn't really know what was going on but when I got off of her she started crying. 

I was apologizing to her on if I had made her uncomfortable in any way, that those weren't my intentions at all. 

After Y/N had finished crying, she had apologized for blue balling me. 

I truly didn't care, she wasn't enjoying herself in the end so how could I end up enjoying myself. 

I don't know what scared her or what caused her to freak out. 

I don't think she even knows what caused it. But we didn't go any further cause it didn't feel right to. 

After I comforted her, she ended up putting on both pants and a shirt. She said she was ok with sweating through the night. 

I didn't complain about it, whatever make her feel more comfortable. 

When I had woken up, Y/N looked like she had been up for a short while. She did look like she had tired eyes though. 

"Good morning, how long have you been up?" I asked her, probably still evidently tired.

"Good morning, not long, maybe 10 minutes. How did you sleep?" She said softly.

I still had my arm around her. 

I pulled her closer to me.

"I slept ok. My back feels a little tense right now. And how did you sleep?" I asked.

"I've had better nights before. I was in and out of sleep last night." 

I really hope that she is ok. 

"Y/N, I know I said it a lot last night, but I really am sorry if it seemed like I pushed you in any way, I really didn't mean to do that. It wasn't my intentions at all. So I really am sorry if I made you uncomfortable at any point last night." I said, sounding as sincere as I possibly could.

"And I told you, you weren't pushy at all, I didn't feel uncomfortable with anything you did. Something in me just said no and made me freak out that I was being touched. I know you meant well, so I don't blame you for me freaking out. I do appreciate you comforting me though. And not leaving me alone while I cried." She said softly to me.

"I wasn't going to just leave you here while you were freaking out and crying. What kind of husband would that make me?" I chuckled.

"A pretty bad one if you ask me. But really, thank you, I appreciate you not leaving me to the side when that happened." She said and kissed my cheek.

I'll admit, I did smile from that.

"Ok, I'm going to go shower now because we have to take Pepino to the vet in a little while. Do you mind taking him out?" She asked of me. 


I forgot he had his vet appointment. 

It just wasn't on my mind right at the moment. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now