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Levi POV 

I woke up to Pepino nibbling on my pillow. 

I had no motivation to tell him no. 

He wasn't even supposed to be on the bed. Let alone being in the bedroom at all. 

But I didn't want him to be alone. 

Well more that I didn't want to be alone. 

I know I'm a hard ass to Pepino, but I do care for him. And I think that's cause Y/N cared so much for him. 

When Pepino noticed I was awake, he sniffed my face. His nose was wet. I was proud that he didn't lick me or anything, but I wouldn't of had minded it at this point. 

I sat up and Pepino moved to my side. 

I saw I had a text message on my phone. It was from Eren. 

{Eren- Sir, I thought I should tell you that Y/N is with me at my place. She called me not too long ago to pick her up. I thought it was ease your nerves knowing she was safe. She's really sad and is crying a lot, but she's safe and well.} 

Know she was safe made me feel so much better. 

And to know that she was in the care of someone I know and who I can count on, it relieved so much stress. 

But then... 

how did he know that I would be worried? 

Or that I was concerned? 

Or that I would be? 

Sasha must have told him something. 

{Levi- thanks.} 

That's all I could put. 

What am I supposed to say? 

I'm just a little lost is all. 

I picked Pepino up and we walked out of the bedroom into the common area. I was going to head into the bathroom, when sowmthing caught my eye on the island counter top. 

I approached it and saw that it was a letter from Y/N. 

So she just wanted to leave me a letter and pretty much leave it at thay? 

Well just by reading the first line... do I even want to continue reading it. 

To My Favorite Human Being, 

As terrible at it sounds, I hated that she used that.

She wouldn't be so quick to leave if I truly was her favorite human being. 

I'll take my chances right now with not reading this. 

Maybe I'm not in the right mind set on reading this. 

I'm really just upset and a little lost with how I'm feeling right now. 

I'll read this at some other point. 

I walked away and went into the bathroom to do my business. 

Pepino tried to follow and he listened when I told him to get out. 

He did wait patiently for me though which was great. 

After I was finished, I took him outside and he did his business and he ran around just a bit. 

I had to carry him out of the front door though just because of the shards of glass from the vase I threw last night we're still on the ground. 

I didn't want him eating the dirt or trying to play with the shards. And I really didn't need him hurting himself right now. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Where stories live. Discover now