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Levi POV

I got out of work at around the time I expected. 

I was going to meet Y/N and Pepino at the park like I promised. 

Y/N had texted me not too long ago that they would be heading there soon. 

We haven't been to the park together alone with Pepino so that should be exciting. 

Things have been great Between the two of us. 

We've been having enjoyable moments. 

She's really growing onto me and I'm really accepting it. 

Accepting it to the point where when Erwin asked me about the bowl and if Y/N knew about it, I told him I planned on giving it away just cause I don't need that reminder of the past. 

I don't need to try and hold onto Petra if I really have Y/N now. Sure it was forced, but we are growing onto one another. 

She's been making me smile more often lately. 

I arrived at the park. 

It was really nice out. 

Since we had made these plans yesterday, I took some other clothes with me other than my regular suit I wear for work. 

The sun was out, there was a small light breeze but it was enough. 

The park looked a little lively. 

I then spotted Y/N and Pepino... and Jean. 

Either Y/N knew he would be here or she didn't. But who knows if she invited him to sit with her.

He seemed to be the one talking so I was going to approach them slowly and see if I can catch more of their conversation than they would maybe want me to hear. 

As I was approaching I managed to hear some of their conversation. 

"... stick up for yourself. You let your parents control your life so much, don't let your husband do the same thing." Jean had said to her. 

Well he doesn't know what is going on with our relationship. 

Sure its platonic, but that doesn't give him the right to just make assumptions. 

"But he's not. Jean he really is sweet. He may not seem like it but he is and he has a soft spot, it just really isn't for the public's eyes." Y/N responded to him. 

Well at least my wife still has a brain. 

"Well, if it was me..." 

But its not.

"...I'd show off my affection for you to everyone."

Great, I'm not like that and Y/N knows that.

I only do it to make him jealous.

"I'd want everyone to know I was infatuated with you and that you were my wife." Jean said smiling at Y/N.

Well that just won't do.

"Well, she isn't your wife." I said to Jean with agitation evident in my voice. 

I was standing behind them. 

They both looked up at me. 

Jean had a bored expression on as he was looking at me. 

Y/N looked worried and there was a small thing of fear in her eyes. 

I don't blame her. 

I mean I did just catch her red handed when I specifically requested that she doesn't see Jean anymore. But that doesn't mean she should have that spark of fear in her eyes. 

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