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The day of our wedding. 

I wish I can say I was excited, but I'm not. 

Even though I was the one that picked everything out, it just doesn't feel right. 

I don't feel right. 

Last night, Levi had said that we have to appear madly in love just cause we don't know if press will actually be there. Even though it is a small wedding, they can possibly still show up. 

He also said we have to be prepared to kiss. Which I am not excited about. 

I am glad he told me about it but that doesn't change the fact that we have to kiss. We've never done that. 

Sure we share the bed now, but for the first week Levi had been sleeping on the couch until he started complaining about his back. 

Even then, we don't cuddle in bed or anything, he stays on one side I stay on the other. 

Its just weird honestly. 

I'm really not ready to give my life away for this. 

I don't want this. 

And neither does Levi. 

I can tell that from him. 

He isn't enthusiastic at all honestly. 

Right now I am in my wedding dress in a room. 

I'm supposed to exit this room in about 5 minutes. 

I didn't eat anything this morning. 

I know I am not alone in this, Levi is effected too, but he seems to accept it much more than me. 

I just want to leave here right now. 

What if I were to leave right now? 

What would happen? 

I don't know if press is out there though. 

What would they say if I just left Levi at the alter. 

That can damage both of us. 

It wouldn't look good on us. 

Especially me. 

And he might send me back with my parents. 

And then I wouldn't stop hearing about it for so long. 

There would just be so much drama just by that. 

"Y/N, we're lining up." My dad said. 

Here we go I guess. 

I did like my dress though. 

It was delicate. 

It was an A Line dress that is off the shoulder and has a lace floral top. 

I just want to go home. 

We lined up and there was no one else going to walk down other than me and my dad. 

I'll admit, I was very very nervous. 

I was shaking a bit. 

I let out a sigh and heard music begin to play. 

Well more just the organ. 

So it begins. 

Me and my dad began to walk down the aisle. 

My nerves didn't set aside though. 

I saw Levi at the alter who had a stoic look. 

But then I saw some flashes here and there. 

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