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Levi POV 

I arrived at my office building and I saw that Sasha was peeking at me through her cubical. 

There's obviously something she wants to tell me. 

I made it to my office. 

I was settling in and after about 15 minutes.

There was a knock on my door. 

"Name and Busi-" I started but Sasha just walked in. 

I sighed. 

"You're lucky I know why you entered. She told me yesterday that she had met up with him at the park. But I want to hear your side first." I said to her. 

"I'm glad she told me, but he told her the wrong idea as to why he wanted to meet up with her. So before anything, just know the day previously he had been going on and on in hopes that Y/N was going to show up to the park. So apparently when they met at the park Y/N was all nervous but then she had told him that she has no intentions of sparking anything up between them, that she was married and that she just couldn't. Of course that hurt Jean just because Y/N is basically his one love. But continuing, he had apologized to her for saying if he gave her the wrong idea. That he only wanted to meet with her as friends that he understands that she is married. But he did tell her that she's in a marriage that was forced upon her." 

I was just staring at her. 

I knew that he didn't have pure intentions. 

Y/N is easily influenced. 

At least from what I have see she is. 

"So all they really did was catch up with one another. They spoke about school, how things had been, apparently Y/N would have enjoyed going into social work if she wasn't forced to go into business." 

I could see her doing that.

Maybe I can encourage her to go back to school maybe. 

But then her parents wouldn't like it because she's supposed to run the business next, but they aren't giving her that opportunity to do so. 

Next thing you know they're going to make us have a kid soon so that kid can run the business. 

"I didn't know that about her." I said to her. 

"I don't think anyone did. Jean had asked her what she would go into if she had the option to choose instead of being forced to go into something. He really does want to get into her head that they can get together and have the life that they would want. He wants to be with her and he had said that 'they don't have kids. She doesn't need to stay around if its been less than 3 months.' I didn't like that he said that. Especially since that is meddling with someone's life. It's not right to do so." She seemed to have been in thought. 

I was in thought as well. 

There is no way that this is going to end well. 

Y/N still has feelings for him that she hasn't let go and I don't think she will let go if she is around Jean. 

"I told her she can't see him anymore and she got upset with what I said. I told her that she can't see him because she still has feelings and that it is obvious that he wants to get with her. But she only defended him saying that its not like that, that he knows she's married and he wouldn't go beyond that line. But it was obvious what his intentions were." I said to her. 

I'm annoyed now. 

"Sir I don't think you telling her she can't see him will make her stop. Didn't her parents say she couldn't see him and yet she still did during their time in high school?" She asked.

"Don't you think I know that? If she keeps seeing him it'll cause more problems between us. Problems I am not really for. He's going to get into her head one way or another. There's no dismissing that. I may not want her to reach out and seek him, but I know it is going to happen. I just hope she thinks before going to see him and thinks about how we can be affected by that." I said to her. 

"Not a lot of thinking occurred when they were younger. At least from what I heard from Jean. They came up with a plan and they just played it by ear. Other than that, not much else was put into it. Again sir, this isn't a healthy thing for Jean." She said. 

"Of course it's not. It isn't a healthy thing for Y/N either. She's going to see the hope in being with him and finally being able to get away from her parents. The biggest thing is being able to get away from her parents, she hates the idea of being controlled because she has been controlled pretty much all her life. She wants that freedom from her parents. And if an opportunity arises where she can be completely away from them, she will absolutely take it, there is no doubt about it." 

"I can attempt to talk some sense into him sir. Maybe not say I am working for you, but to bring up that she is married and if it is really the best idea to try and swindle his way into their lives." 

"I'd appreciate that Braus. I just don't want the idea to run away together again to be a thought in their head." I said. 

"I'll do my best to make sure he doesn't try and put that thought into her head sir. But sometimes he doesn't listen. But I'll report back to you on what occurs." She said to me. 

"Alright. You're dismissed." I said and she got up. 

When she was about to open the door. 

"One more thing... Thank you for going out of your way to do this stuff when you don't need to." I said to her. 

"No need to get all sappy sir. I'm doing this with the best intentions of everyone." She smiled and walked out. 

Well, now I have to be concerned about my wife possibly running away with someone else. 

It's not fair because I couldn't have Petra around. 

If I could, then maybe we could talk, but that isn't the case here. 

That's why I'm not allowing it. 

I won't tolerate it. 

I just hope she thinks for once and doesn't actually meet back up with him.

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