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"It is so nice to finally meet you Y/N! I've heard quite a bit about you!" A tall woman with brownish hair and glasses said to me. 

"It's nice to meet you too, uh..." 

"Hange! My name is Hange Zoe." 

"Hange, it is nice to meet you." I said with a smile. 

"Y/N, it is nice to meet you. I'm Erwin Smith. We've heard a bit about you, more about the arguments between the two of you than anything else." Erwin said chuckling lightly. 

"You tell them about our arguments?" I directed towards Levi feeling a little embarrassed. 

"Why would I not? These two are the ones I trust the most." Levi said with a straight face. 

"Trust us sweetheart, we don't go around shouting any business between the two of you." Hange had said. 

I let out a sigh. 

"Come Y/N, we have other people to meet. I'll catch up with you guys in a bit." Levi had said. 

We walked over to some other people. 

A small group... and Eren was with them!

"Eren!!" I said excitedly. 

"There's the bride and groom! Congratulations on marrying and not killing each other since you guys moved in together." Eren said engulfing me into a hug. 

"We've been close to killing each other." Levi said. 

"Speak for yourself weirdo." I said nudging at Levi's side. 

Can he really be a closeted murderer.

"Well, if it doesn't work I'll always be here to take you out on that dinner I offered you." He said winking. 

Levi just huffed and we laughed.

"Come meet some other people!" Eren said bringing us along to the group he was with. 

"So Y/N, we all work for Levi and are decently good friends with him. At least that is what we like to believe. This is Mikasa, Armin and Sasha." Eren said pointing to each person he introduced.  

They all said hello and congratulated me and Levi on our marriage. I don't know if they know it was forced or not. 

I wont ask anything. 

"Levi you have to come greet your Uncle." Mrs Ackerman had said. 

"Ugh do I have to?" 

"Don't whine like that young man. To your uncle now." She said sternly. 

"Mrs Ackerman! Looking as lovely as ever." Eren said to her smiling widely. 

"Thank you Eren, I have to steal these two. You all enjoy yourselves!" She said with a smile. 

We walked over to a tall man who was wearing a hat. 

Was it a fashion statement or was it to block the sun? 

I couldn't tell you. 

"Levi! How have you been doing? So this is the lovely lady, how are you doing mi lady?" That made took my hand and kissed it. 

"Hello, I'm Y/N. I hope-" I was cut off. 

"We said hello. There are other people we need to greet now." Levi said turning away and dragging me with him. 

Who else do we need to meet? 

"Well I think that was a little rude." I said to him. 

"Whatever. He isn't good company. He was the one that put it into my mom's head that we should marry. And plus, he only comes around when it benefits him." Levi said sounding a little irritated. 

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