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Grocery shopping with Levi isn't fun. 

All he does is push the cart and carry the heavy stuff. 

I'm the one actually looking for the stuff that we need. 

I don't mind it but some help would be nice. 

It also doesn't help that you occasionally get a teenage girl sneaking a photo of him. 

These girls are ruthless. 

He does look young, I'll admit. 

That works out for the both of us. 

He doesn't look 25 and I don't look 23.

Then when they see me place something in the cart they always make a face. 




Except for Levi who doesn't care what happens around. 

Except for the guy who was hitting on me while I was picking out a bag of grapes. 

Levi noticed that and rescued me. 

Which I was very thankful for. 

But really other than that he doesn't acknowledge other things. Even when I am asking him a question I usually need to ask it like 3 times. 

Or I need to wave at him to acknowledge me! 

It's frustrating but isn't shopping with someone always frustrating. 

Wedding dress shopping was frustrating because my mom went with me. 

But then again everyone around me now is just a little frustrating. 

Well, almost everyone. 

Eren and Mrs Ackerman I have yet to frustrate me, which I am thankful for. 

Levi and I returned to our apartment and we now had a decent amount of groceries. 

We didn't really buy snacks because Levi said that I'll fill myself up on those instead of actually eating something with proper nutrients. 

She isn't wrong but god damn. 

He didn't need to come at me like that. 

It is obvious that he cares about my well being which I am thankful for. 

Especially since I don't really give myself much of a thought. 

While we were putting our groceries away until I asked him a question. 

"Has anyone asked about when we're supposed to have kids?" The question just came to mind. 

It has actually been bugging me for a while just cause it I don't want to be told 2 month before I am expected to have kids like my wedding. 

Levi snapped his neck towards me and held a look of confusion. 

"I haven't been told anything. Why did that come to mind?" He asked. 

"It's just a thought. Its a little scary to think about honestly. I don't want to all of a sudden be told we're to expect children randomly. I need to prepare for it." I said getting upset a little. 

"Hey relax, no one is going to tell us when we're supposed to have kids. I get that our marriage was forced, but we're having a say of when we conceive." He said with a soft expression. 

"It's just weird. We're still young. I don't have things that I want to do but I want to live a little is all." I said. 

"Sorry, it's just a thought." I smiled softly at him warily. 

"Just relax about it. Don't worry so much about it. I don't think we need to worry about it for quite a few years. Like you said, we're still young. I'm glad you opened up about this instead of holding it in." He said still with a soft expression. 

We continued to put our groceries away and even the ones I was going to use for dinner tonight. 

It was still early so we there was time before I had to start on it. 

It was about 12:30ish. So much much early. 

Knowing Levi though, he would want to go out and do something and not stay inside the whole time. 

"Do you have any other plans that you want to do today?" I asked him. 

"Well you rejected the other things I had offered for us to do. So no." He said with a platonic face. 

"Oh my god! You are such a big baby! Why not we do dinner in the park then. Being in the sun would be nice don't you think?" I asked him. 

"Sure, I'll agree to that. What are you going to cook?" Levi asked me. 

"I was planning on making some thin sandwich steaks to have in the bolillo bread. We can put lettuce, tomatoes, maybe some rice if you want. We just have to use that bread." I said to him. 

"Sounds like a good thing to have in the park. Is there anything you want to do in the mean time?" Levi said. 

"I mean I want to see Eren." I said jokingly. 

"I swear to god Y/N... I will not let you see him again." He said with a stern look. 

"If that is your choice." I sighed and turned away from him. 

"I was joking." He said. 

It really didn't sound like a joke at all. 

"I hope you know that if you really didn't want me to talk to someone you can really set that rule. With some exceptions of course." I said to him. 

"I'm not going to rain on your freedom. You can do as you please. I just ask you stay loyal to our marriage. Even if we are just strictly platonic." He said. 

I can agree with that. 

If I were to just go out there and find comfort in someone else that wouldn't be very good for either of us. 

"I can agree to that, I just ask the same from you. I don't know who you associate yourself with, so I ask you stay faithful to our marriage." I said to him. 

"I don't associate with anyone outside of the business. You have nothing to worry about." He said looking at me. 

I just don't want to find out he is banging a secretary and humiliate both of us. 

I won't do that and I expect him to not go down that path as well. 

Even if we are platonic now, we do have to be intimate at one point to have kids. 

Unless we go through conceiving through medical procedures but that would cost so much money and I don't want to go through that, and I don't think Levi would want to go through that either. 

Only time will tell when that has to occur. 

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