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Third Person POV 

The next morning, Levi didn't go into work. 

He figured he could spend the day with Y/N... he didn't know if that entailed that they were going to be arguing or all up on each other, but he knew that they had to talk about what happened. 

Levi had put it off long enough. 

He had to face it at this point. 

But he had woken up with a really bad head ache, from being both dehydrated and from not really eating a full meal. 

Y/N had also woken up with a head ache but not as much of a head ache as Levi. 

They were both just a little irritated. 

Not with one another, but that was the mood that they had awoken in. 

Their night though. 

It consisted of giggles from Y/N, chuckles from Levi, cuddles initiated by Y/N, little random talks, and also them just admiring one another. 

No one said it, but it was almost as if love was in the air. 

They were both so gentle with one another. 

It was almost as if they hadn't argued earlier that day. 

That neither of them cried that day. 

That Y/N hadn't left at all. 

That things were perfectly fine between one another. 

It was a refreshing thing for the two of them to go through. 

Y/N had finally slept comfortably without crying herself to sleep. She felt home, like she was safe and wasn't going wake up feeling empty or terrible about herself. These past days she's been longing to be with Levi. To just be with him, she wanted nothing more. 

Levi had finally felt that void leave his body. He loved Pepino, but he wasn't necessarily the best cuddling partner. Especially since Pepino tends to move around a bit at night to get into a comfortable position and ultimately kicks Levi. 

Levi finally felt content as he was falling asleep. He was happy to have Y/N back in his arms He's missed her. And he was glad that he actually expressed that to her earlier when he originally went to get Pepino so that they can go to sleep. He was just happy that Y/N was back home, that he didn't have to worry when she would be coming back, or if she was going to come back. 

The morning though. 

Arguing during dinner wasn't a very smart idea to do. Especially since it caused the both of them to miss out on a meal. 

Especially Levi. 

He had been on such a routine, having 3 meals a day. 

He'd start his day with a light breakfast, a cup of tea and maybe a pastry if they had some stocked at the apartment or if he took some to the office or another employee brought them. He'd have lunch, usually on his own or with his mother. Occasionally Armin since he enjoyed the conversations they had. And then he'd come home and have dinner with Y/N. 

But yesterday he just had a cup of tea in the morning and a very light lunch on his own since his mother has been out of town for the past couple of days. Very important business things she needed to tend to. 

So he wasn't fed very much yesterday and it was affecting him today. 

For Y/N... she has a head ache but she used to have a tolerance to just forgetting to eat at times, but since living with Levi, he's ensure that she never skips a meal and that he always eats something when he's ready to eat. 

Levi got out of bed and went to the bathroom to do his business. 

Y/N got up, washed her hands in the kitchen sink and decided she was going to head up the food from yesterday so that the two can eat. 

She didn't want to deal with an irritable Levi. 

When he came out of the bathroom, he went to Pepino's crate and opened it up. 

Pepino gave a warm greeting to Levi. And then he traveled to Y/N who was by the stove. 

"Come on Pepino." Levi called to Pepino, which he obeyed and sat patiently for his leash to be clipped onto his green collar. 

Levi went outside with Pepino while Y/N was inside preparing their breakfast. 

When they came back inside, Y/N was pretty much done with reheating food and plated it all. 

They quickly ate and Y/N was cleaning the dishes that needed to be clean. 

Levi was waiting for Y/N to finish so he can bring up what they needed to talk about. 

When Y/N was drying her hands, he spoke up. 

"So why did you decide to leave?" He asked with just a little irritation since his headache had yet to go away. 

"Oh, we're talking now, ok..." Y/N said being caught off guard. 

Both still had a head ache, Y/N was just the one coping better from it.

Y/N let out a sigh and spoke. 

"That Monday after we had ditched the event... well, my father said so not so nice things that had caused me to freak out. It was similar to that one dream that I had another time about my father. My father said he wished I wasn't his daughter and that I should have ran away... Hearing that in a dream is one thing, but to know that your father actually feels like that in real life... It's tough and it took a real big toll on me. It was to the point where I couldn't cope with it... or more that I wouldn't cope with it." She said to him, avoiding eye contact. 

"Well you should have told me about it." Levi said sounding a little irritated. 

"Yeah well, I felt alone during that time." Y/N said just as irritated. 

"Y/N I was here the whole time. I tried getting you to talk but you weren't having it." He began to argue. 

She wanted to argue anyway right?

So an argument is what they were going to have.

"I'm sorry I wasn't up to taking." She said sarcastically. 

"It's not that you weren't up to talking! Whenever you get like that you shut me out! How do you think that makes me feel?" Levi began to get loud. 

"You're bothered at the fact that I've shut you out a few times? Levi you're constantly shutting me out and now opening up to me!" 

"And this isn't about me!" 

"Well now it is!" 

They both just stopped. 

They both took a moment to recuperate. 

The Y/N began to laugh. 

"What are you laughing at?" Levi asked. 

She continued to laugh but spoke up. 

"We're arguing... but there's no need for us to... it's like we're arguing because... I asked if we could last night." She said between fits of laughter. 

Levi chuckled too.

"Did you not want to argue?" 

"As long as you're truthful and finally open up to me, then no." She said. 

"I can do that then." He said. 

So here they go. 

They're finally going to talk. 

But they're going to talk like adults. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora