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Third POV

It's been a few days since Levi has seen Y/N. During the weekend he said he'd rather be at work than miserable at the apartment. 

Even if it meant leaving Pepino alone for a few hours. 

Levi didn't want to spend all day at the apartment. 

It was now Monday.

It's also been a few days since he has read the letter Y/N left for him. 

He didn't know how to feel about it. 

He had strong emotions that he really didn't know how to process. 

First off, he's never seen her actually sign her name as Y/N Ackerman. So that was new for him, and he actually really liked it. 

He loved how, even after she was leaving him, she wanted to show him her affection one last time, even if she did it unconsciously. 

They aren't really big on hugs or kisses or anything else outside of that nature while going through their days. Open affection wasn't something they were into. Or at least it wasn't established between the two. 

An occasional kiss will occur to tease one another, or a hug will be in place when Y/N is sad or Levi had a tough day at work. 

But its not like either one was actively seeking the affection of the other on a regular basis. 

At night though, the cuddling was different. 

It was platonic, but both looked forward to it. 

They didn't need to specifically state out if they can be held onto. 

It was more just something that they went through with at night. 

Levi thought a lot about what Y/N had said. 

That she loved the way he cherished her. But to him, he was thinking that she wasn't cherished enough and that he wasn't the best person he could be to her.

If anything she treated him much better than how he treated her. 

She was constantly cooking, cleaning, watching Pepino, taking care of things in the apartment, always made time to ask Levi how his day was. She put in more effort than he did, at least that's what he saw. 

He also didn't know when it became evident to her that he really did genuinely care for her and wanted the best for her. 

He had never openly said it, but maybe his gestures were enough for her, or at least enough for her to notice.

As mean as it sounds, Levi agreed that she wasn't fit to be a business woman. But he also knew it wasn't her passion to go down this route. 

He also knew that she was forced down this path, rather than choosing it for herself. She was pushed here and that resulted in her being in a position she wasn't passionate about and somewhat fulfilling because her parents wanted her to go that route. 

He was thankful for the things he experienced with her as well. That she was the first to some of his new experiences. 

Like raising Pepino together, cooking together even if it resulted in him being mad. Or how she cared before to ensure she had dinner done close to when he arrived home from work. 

He was happy that they shared mutual feelings on all of that. 

Levi agreed that she did make things much more difficult for them, but he was grateful that it turned out that way. 

It made them appreciate the good times with one another a little more. 

But she wasn't the only one at fault, Levi knew he was being difficult at time as well, he wouldn't let Y/N take the whole blame for that one. 

Control ~Levi x Reader~ {Modern AU}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang