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I had a great outing with Hange. She took me to a pond and we were able to see some ducks. 

She took me to the pet store and Pepino was indeed still here! 

Again maybe I can convince Levi! 

We also ended up getting lost at one point because Hange refused to use the gps. 

She then took me to a candy shop that we discovered on the way while we were lost and she used that and said she meant to get us there. 

She wanted to go to the museum as well but it was already pretty early into the evening when she said she wanted to go. 

So next time on our outing, we are going to be going to the museum. 

I got a few things from the candy shop. I don't really know what candy Levi likes so I got a little bit of everything. 

I got some taffy, some peach rings, gummy bears, I got some jelly slices, gum drops, I got us a little box of assorted chocolates, I got a bag of chocolate covered almonds, I pretty much went crazy in hopes I got something Levi would like. 

Also because Hange wouldn't help me and tell me what candy Levi likes.

I was very happy with my purchase and it was inexpensive as well. 

Me and Hange looked up where this was actually located and it was about an hour from my apartment. Closer to Hange's apartment though. 

It was great she said that one day she'll end up bringing us back. 

I was back at the apartment and I was excited to show Levi all the candy I got. I wanted to tell him about my day out with Hange. 

I decided I wasn't going to pester him about telling me about the girl. It's wrong to do and Hange was right, he'll tell me when he is ready to tell me. 

I didn't end up cooking dinner because Hange and I got back not too long ago so I'll ask Levi if he wants to go out for dinner. 

That we can go for fast food and not necessarily a nice restaurant. But I think that would also have to come with us being on decent terms. 

So I'm going to have to apologize to him. 

Maybe not apologize but acknowledge that he doesn't want me to see Jean. 

I was looking at the candy in amusement when the front door opened and Levi entered.

"Welcome home Levi." I said with a smile. 

"How was your outing with Hange?" He asked platonically. 

"It was nice! We went to a pond, then we went to the pet store and remember that little puppy I told you about once, Pepino, he's still there, maybe one day we can go see him together and see if you-" he cut me off. 

"Sure. You're here alone a lot so why not. It'll just be more of your responsibility than mine. And we'd have to do double the cleaning." Levi said heading into the bedroom. He kept the door open but he wasn't in view. 

"Continue, I'm listening." He shouted so that I can hear him. 

I smiled. 

"Then we got lost, and we didn't know where we were going, Hange was just driving and we found a candy shop! So we stopped there and I got a bunch of candy! I didn't know what you liked so I got a little bit of everything in hopes I got something you'd enjoy." I said smiling at the candy. 

Then he was right next to me and I got startled. 

"Jesus I thought you were still in the bedroom." I said grabbing my chest. 

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