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I decided I was going to go see Jean on the day he requested. 

And that day was today. 

I was a little conflicted, but at the same time, I wanted to catch up with him and see what has been going on with him since last time I saw him. 

I wasn't going to dress over the top. 

I was going to look modest. 

I didn't want him thinking I was going there in hopes that something rekindles in us. 

I'm a married woman.

Even if I don't want to be a married woman, I still am. 

And I am a loyal person. 

I'm not going to be caught up in a scandalous endeavor like that. 

I contemplated telling Levi about seeing Jean at the park and that I'll be meeting with him today but decided against it just because I don't know what he'll say or what to expect from me. 

Depending on how today goes, that'll determine if I tell Levi or not. 

But then I am not trying to have bad communication with him. 

I want to be open with him, its just... for this... I just can't. 

I was headed to the park now and was feeling nervous. 

Its just as friends. 

Its just as friends.

Even if there are feelings there, I can't act upon any of that since it would be wrong. 

I arrived at the park and decided to sit at the same bench I had sat in the other day. 

The sun was nice and warm. 

There was also a warm breeze and you were also able to hear the kids on the playground running around and screaming out of job. 

After a few minutes, Jean came up to me. 

"Y/N! How are you? I'm glad to see you decided to come!" Jean said with a large smile. 

"Hi, I'm doing well... Jean, I wanted to express that I am here as a friend and that I am not here romantically... I already have my husband. I just wanted to catch up with you and see how things have been going." I said shyly to him. 

But I was glad that I ended up getting that out. 

"I must have given you the wrong impression then Y/N. I really did only want to meet with you as a friend. How long has it been? 5 years? Almost 6? I wanted to know what you've been doing with your life, how did school go and all that jazz. I'm really sorry if I gave you that impression that this was something more." He said scratching the back of his neck. 

So I just read into this wrong. 

I was worrying for no reason. 

But yet I knew I still had underlying feelings. 

But now that I am in a proper mind set, I know that what I feel for Levi is larger. 

At least it feels larger. 

"No no I'm sorry! I must had read this whole thing wrong. That is such a relief to hear that this is strictly platonic and just as friends. I was getting really worried on if I should come or not cause I didn't want to give you the wrong impression." I said with a small chuckle. 

"Again if I gave you that impression Y/N I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to make you freak out or anything." He said. 

"Its fine really. I just read this all wrong. I actually feel a lot better knowing that it was just me. Anyway, how has life been? What college did you go to? What did you major in?" I asked him with a small smile. 

"I went to Trost University. It's maybe an hour and a half from here. I met my 2 best friends there. I got a degree in social work. I actually work in a school right now but I am hoping that eventually I can work with kids that come from broken homes. Being that help for someone really makes me feel great, that I am actually doing something with my life. Other than school, nothing major has happened. Oh my mom got her pharmacy technician's license so that is great and she has been enjoying that for about 3 years. My dad had gone back to his home town to take care of his ill mother. I haven't seen him in about a year but he calls often. And how about you? Anything big, other than getting married? What university, what major, all that good stuff." He said with a soft chuckle. 

"Well, I actually didn't enjoy college at all. My parents were the ones to pick my every class. The decided that I was going to be going to Rose University. They never let me have a say and expected nothing but the best for me. They took me down the route to majoring in business management, but honestly, it really isn't for me. I hated it and I had barely passed my last 3 semesters because of how unmotivated I was. And as you know, that's the local university, it's big enough where it has dorms, but since we're close, my parents just made me commute so I can still stay at home. Anything else big... I don't really have friends because my parents ran them all off. I don't really know what else honestly." I said. 

They really did control everything I did in college. 

It sucked, but hey we are away from that time. 

"So you never really got that college experience. Well god damn. They really don't let you breath and let you enjoy your time. That has to be ridiculous honestly. I mean, they were going to shove you into a marriage, the least they could do is let you enjoy your college time... If you had that option, what would you have majored in?" He asked me. 

"If I was given that opportunity back then, I really don't know what I would go with. I never really had a mind of my own. But now being away from my parents, I really love kids. So I don't know if I would want to become a teacher or become some sort of social worker like you. I want to be able to help kids, whether that be with education or with actual needs they are trying to get and need help with." I said with a smile. 

"And I think you would be great at it." He said smiling back at me. 

We continued talking for a while. 

It was nice talking to him, we joked around a bit but it really did seem like it was strictly as friends. 

We spoke about the weird habits that he still does that carried from high school into his adult life. 

And we spoke about my parents a little and how they were actually doing. 

After a while I had to get going because I had to prepare dinner for Levi. 

I decided I was going to end up telling him about Jean and that I'll get rid of the picture and the dress. 

I want Levi to trust me because there is nothing else here other than us trying to catch up with one another. 

At least on my end there really isn't anything more. 

So I'll have a conversation with him about it and see what he thinks about it. 

Hopefully it goes well.

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