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Its another day where I need to go into the office!

The past 2 days I was able to stay home and do some house work and work on some stuff my mom had sent me. 

It has actually been relaxing to stay home. 

Levi would be home by 4 and we would go out for a walk and it really seemed like we were enjoying each others time. 

He would come home tired and still go on a short walk with me just for some fresh air. 

"I'll pick you up at around 4. I probably won't be able to go out for lunch with you today just cause I have a meeting around the time we went last time and don't want to make you wait." Levi said As I was getting out of the car. 

"Its ok, I packed a lunch anyway and your lunch should be in the back seat. Have a nice day at work! Drive safely!" I said and waved to him and walked into the building. 

I'm really gravitating towards Levi in a good way and he seems to be doing the same to me. 

I arrived at the office and got called into my dad's office.

"Y/N sweetheart, we wanted to talk to you about the way you come dressed to the office. We don't really see it as professional and up to this company's standards. So we bought you some clothes that will really look better and looks like you represent this company." My mom said softly. 

"What's wrong with the way I dress?" I asked them. 

I don't really think there is anything wrong with the way I come to the office. 

"You're married now. You have to dress modest and not like you want to be picked up by some random guy on the street." My dad said as he was looking at some papers in his hand. 

Well I don't think that is how I dress. 

I still dress pretty modest. 

It's not like I am flashing my cleavage at every guy I walk by. 

And what I wear at home is none of their concern, but they are only talking about how I come dressed to work. 

"I don't think there is anything wrong with how I am dressed right now." I said pouting to them.

"Sweetheart, this is for the best, really you'll thank us later. Here are some of the clothes that we bought and expect you to wear next time you come into the office. You'll look more business like." My mom said with a soft smile and handed me some articles of clothing. 

I let out a sigh. 

"Is there anything else?" I asked sounding a little upset. 

"Are you not going to thank your mother? She spent quite a few days trying to find you some acceptable clothes. And not to mention she was the one to go pick them up yesterday. This ungrateful attitude won't be tolerated here Y/N. When you lived with us that was a different story, but it wont be accept here. Now thank your mother for her hard work on trying to make you look presentable and not like a whore." My dad said with such aggression in his voice. 

"Thank you for putting in the effort to buying me new clothes and working on making me look presentable." I said quietly to my mom. 

I wanted to cry now. 

"Ugh, water works. You're never gonna be tough enough to run this company. You're dismissed Y/N. You have work laid out for you to do in your office." My dad said with disgust. 

"Yes sir. Thank you." I said and turned away and exited his office. 

I let out a sigh and felt overly upset and wanted to cry and just go home. 

I went into my small office and sat in my seat. 

I felt overwhelmed. 

I'm not good enough to meet my fathers expectations. 

Is that why he wanted me to marry Levi?

He has a lot of potential and is much more tougher than me. 

I could really use the sound of his voice right now telling me things are ok. 

So I'm going to call him and tell him. 

It rang for a few times before he picked up. 

"I left you not even 10 minutes ago. What's wrong?" He said through the phone. 

"Other than being told I dress like a whore and that I won't be good enough by my father nothing is really up." I said quietly into the phone. 

"Well, you dress like my mother so apparently he is saying she dresses like a whore as well. I'll be sure to bring that up in my meeting with him tomorrow. I'm sorry that happened so early in the morning." He said with a soft tone. 

"They bought be more business like clothes so that I can represent the company much better. I just hate being here honestly. My father said I won't ever be tough enough to run this company. He doesn't even let me do anything here." I said getting frustrated. 

"How about this, you get a whole bunch of work done and I'll take you out for lunch today." He said in an attempt to make me feel better. 

"But what about your meeting. You said it happens around the time that we-" He had cut me off. 

"I know I have a meeting. I can have someone call them and say something came up during that time or something." He said to me. 

It made me smile. 

It makes me happy to know he is really putting in an effort. 

"That sounds like it'll be nice. Thank you." I said smiling into the phone a bit. 

"I'll see you around lunch time. I have to get going I'm almost the the building." He said. 

"I'll see you then. I hope you have a great morning." I said smiling and hung up. 

It really does make me happy knowing that he is trying. 

He did make me feel better, time to get some work done so I can go out to lunch with my husband. 

~Meanwhile at Levi's office building~ 

Third Person POV 

Levi entered and went up to the receptionist. 

"Good morning Mr Ackerman." She said and smiled at him. 

"Good morning, call my 11:30 and let them know I can meet with them at 1:30 instead. Let them know something came up with my wife. I'm a husband before a business man." Levi said to the receptionist. 

"Will do sir. I am really glad to see that you are finally coming around to that idea... You should show me a picture of her eventually." She said with a smile and began to chuckle. 

Levi pulled out his phone and showed her the picture Y/N had sent him the other day. 

This receptionist knew it was a forced marriage. 

She smiled at the picture and spoke up. 

"She seems very lovely. I really am happy to hear that the two of you are getting along nicely. A husband before a business man... I like that." 

"I'm growing fond of her. I wouldn't tell her that, but I am and I'm accepting it. Be sure to call them please. It is important." Levi said as he walked away to his office. 

He was smiling to himself. 

A husband before a business man. 

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