CHAPTER 71-The Missing Locket and The Poison Drink

Start from the beginning

"I happen to be his girlfriend" The girl retaliated, everyone in the room looking between them, Hermione let out a small scoff, "I happen to be his...friend" 

"Don't make me laugh. You haven't spoken in weeks" Lavender said exasperatedly, "I suppose you want to make up now that he's suddenly all interesting"  

"He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo!" Hermione let out a fake laugh, "And for the record, i've always found him interesting!" 

Everyone looking between the two with amused looks, "Ha!" Mason commented as he looked at her, "You go Hermione" Liam uttered under his breath with a smile. 

Even McGonagall looked like she wanted to say something, Ron's head moving to the side as he took a breath everyone's gaze on him. Fred making his way towards his brother as he stood by Ginny's side. Hermione quickly looking at the redhead in concern. 

"Ah! see? He senses my presence" Lavender said as she leaned forward to his bed, "Don't worry Won-Won. I'm here. I'm here". Ron moved his head to the side as he furrowed his eyebrows and then uttering something under his breath. 

Everyone trying to figure out what he was saying, Hermione looked at Harry and then back down at Ron who kept saying something. 

"Uh, Hermione--Hermione...Hermione" 

Hermione's eyes widen as she looked down at Ron with a smile as Mason stood next to the girl and putting his hand on her shoulder rubbing it slightly a small smile playing on his lips. Everyone else looking with amused looks as they saw Lavender back away slowly before running out, cries leaving her mouth. Hermione sat on the bed as she grabbed his hand in intertwined their hands together. 

"You owe me five gallons, mione" Mason whispered in her ear as she let out a small laugh shaking her head, her attention on the boy in front her. 

"Oh, to be young and feel love's keen sting" Dumbledore spoke up before gesturing to the professors, the twins, Mason, Ginny, Harry and Liam , "Well, come away, everybody, Mr.Weasley and Mr.Black are well tended" 

Everyone started to walk out the room only leaving Eliza, Harry, Mason and Hermione, the lot looking at Hermione with a small smirk. She glanced at them before shaking her head with a small smile, "Oh shut up". 

"You still owe me" Mason said as he walked away with Harry. 

Oliver soon started to wake up as he turned his head to the side, his eyes fluttering open to see Eliza a smile on his face before closing his eyes. Eliza stroked his cheek as he sighed at the feeling. Oliver took a breath as he opened his eyes again and looked at her, grabbing her hand and kissing the top of it.

"How are you?"

"I should be asking you that" Eliza said as she looked at him, Oliver just shook his head as he lifted his hand and moved a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I'm fine darling, it's you i'm supposed to be worrying about--your the one that's carrying our child" Oliver and Eliza smiled brightly at his words, "Now that we have time, I was wondering have you picked out a name yet"

"No, I thought you wanted to do that together" Said Eliza as she placed her hand on her stomach as it started showing, "Do you have a name?"

Oliver looked at her stomach as he thought about it for a second, "Well, I have a few names. Want to hear them". Eliza nodding her head as Oliver started to sit down on his bed. 

"Lay down" Eliza said firmly, Oliver quickly laying back down by the look on her face as he let out a huff, "Go on, the names". Oliver biting his lip for a moment before looking at her light brown eyes. 

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