CHAPTER 68-Welcome Home Black

Start from the beginning

"His name, did you get his name?"

"Riddle, Caelum Riddle" She confirmed. 

George looked at her in disbelief, he thought he heard wrong or if she was just making everything up. The room filled with whispers as Gawain Robards wrote something on his bored, (Y/N) fet terrible knowing George was there and he just heard what she said in front of everyone. Her gaze not leaving the Minister of Magic at all, she wanted him to believe her. 

"Alright, continue with--" Rufus was cut off when a bang was heard at the front doors, (Y/N) turned around to see if it was someone she knew but it almost looked like the Guards didn't want to let whoever it was inside. 

Gawain Robards stood up form his seat and made his way out, the courtroom was filled with nothing but silence. The common noises being heard was someone shifting in their seat, bouncing their legs up and down or a sigh leaving someones lips. The doors opened again this time Gawain Robards coming in with a horrified but happy look on his face. 

"We caught him Minister" He said in awe, "He's here, he said he has something you may want to hear. Something that will help with the trial" 

(Y/N) was confused just like everyone else in the room although the Minister of Magic knew what he was talking about. He nodded as Gawain made his way back to the doors, he gave the guards a sign as they both followed him. Tonks walked over to (Y/N) with a streeses look. 

"Nym, do you know who they're talking about"

"I'm sorry (Y/N/N), I have no idea...but I promise everything will be okay," Tonks reassured her, she took ahold of her hand as she gave it a reassuring squeeze. 

(Y/N) just nodded as she looked to see Oliver and Sirius giving her a small smile, her gaze moved to Fred who was looking at her with loving eyes and a reassuring smile. 

Even when he was trying to smile at her, Fred felt like he was going to break down to see how they were treating her. Even though he was smiling at her, he wanted to do anything to be in her place he wanted to be the one to get judge by everyone he wanted her safe at home.

The doors opened but (Y/N) didn't want to turn around she was playing with the sleeve of her suit jacket. Tonks bit her lip nervously as she glanced to see who they were bringing in, she froze in her spot as she caught the persons eye. 

The tension in the room seemed to fill up, (Y/N) seemed to get a cold feeling down her spine. She heard chains getting dragged down and loud footsteps following, her gaze falling on all the Witches and Wizards in front of her, she saw how many went wide eye and even some looked at the person with their mouths agape. 

(Y/N) grew curious to see who they were looking at but before she had the chance to turn around someone was already sitting next to her. She glanced at the person sitting next to her, she quickly looked away and closed her eyes as she threw her head back. Oliver, Liam and Fred all shared a look as they tried not to go down there and cause a scene. 

"You know I always thought this room will have more color" 

"And I always thought by this time you'll be dead, guess it doesn't always go our way"

"Oh come on, this is nice. We both get to spend some more time together and look I get a chance to actually meet your father--you know when he doesn't want to kill me or has his wand pointed at me"

"I think I like it better that way"

(Y/N) smiled sarcastically as she opened her eyes and looked at him. He was about to respond when the Minister of Magic spoke. 

"State your full name and the information you here to provide"

"Oh right, manners" He smiled as he stood up, the chains still on him. (Y/N) rolling her eyes as she looked at him up and down, "Harvey Tom Riddle, and--what was it again...the reason i'm here--Oh yeah--I helped (Y/N) with the murders"

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