CHAPTER 60-Arrival At Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

Currently the trio and Mason we're sharing a compartment as Luna was around giving out the Quibbler, Harry was telling Mason on what they all saw in Knockturn Alley.

"So, What was Draco doing with that weird-looking cabinet?, And who were all those people?, Don't you see?; it was a ceremony, an initiation" Harry implored, Mason looked at him and was thinking over his words. 

"Stop it, Harry. I know where you're going with this" Hermione shook her head. 

"It's happened, he's one of them" Harry added. Ron looked between both them, a confused look on his face as Mason looked like Harry could be right. 

"One of what?" 

"Harry is under the impression, Draco Malfoy is now a Death Eater" Said Hermione with a small smile as she shook her head. 

"Your barking. What would You-Know-Who want with Malfoy?" Ron laughed lightly. 

"Well, then what's he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" Harry argued, he started to feel slightly annoyed they weren't putting this information into account.

"It's a creepy shop and he's a creepy bloke" Ron shrugged. 

"Look, his father is a Death Eater, it only makes sense," Harry paused for a second before looking at Mason, "Mason, what do you think about all this?"

"Well, I have to agree with Harry on this," Harry smirked at Hermione and Ron and fist bumped Mason, "Look, what will Voldemort--Ron!--want someone like Harvey, it just makes sense that Draco will be one as well...and whoever you saw in Borgin and Burkes have to be his new Death Eater bestie"

"Honestly you two, Malfoy is not a Death Eater..just drop this" Hermione huffed. 

"Oliver and (Y/N) will probably believe me on this" Harry uttered under his breath, "I need some air, and so does Mason"

"What?" Mason looked up from his book, Harry grabbed his invisibility cloak and gave him a look, "Oh--Yeah I do, see you two...whenever I no longer need fresh air"

Hermione and Ron gave him a weird look but Mason paid no mind as he closed his book and walked out with Harry as they closed the compartment door. As they were walking down Mason noticed how many were looking at Harry in awe as some were also looking at Mason up and down with some girls blushing and quickly looking away.

"Say, Harry where are we heading to?"

"The Slytherin compartment, I need to listen to Draco" Said Harry as they continued walking. 

"You know, i'm all in at saying Draco is a Death Eater but this sorta sounds as if your in love with this bloke" Mason snorted, Harry turned around and gave him a look, "I'm just saying"

"Well those thoughts, keep them to yourself" Harry rolled his eyes as they both leaned against the compartment door but were able to remain hidden. 

They both saw Draco walking to where he placed his suitcase to get something as Harry and Mason both pulled out Peruvian Darkness powder they got from Fred and George's joke shop. Mason glanced at Harry as he nodded to Draco's direction, Harry put his away and Mason threw his making the compartment go into complete darkness. Harry placed the cloak over both of them as they made their way over to the compartment and stepped up onto the seats as they both got on the carry on. 

"What was that? Blaise?" Draco asked as he looked around to try to catch eye of his friends. 


"Relax boys, it's probably a first-year messing around. Come on, Draco sit down. We'll be at Hogwarts soon" Pansy Parkinson announced. Draco looked around one more time before walking back to his seat, Pansy and Blaise sitting across from him as Crabbe and Goyle sat seats next to him.

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