CHAPTER 40-Back To Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"Padfoot!" Oliver smiled as went over to him and started petting him. 

"Alright you lot let's get going! Sirius--are you barking mad!" Mad-Eye said but Sirius just barked. "Fine! but act like a normal dog".

They arrived at the station rather fast. It was packed with muggles like always and everyone tried to blend in, (Y/N), Oliver and Mason were the first to run through the wall and soon were joined by everyone else. As always the platform was filled with excited kids and parents, (Y/N), Mason, Oliver and Harry were currently bending down to talk with Padfoot, many spotted (Y/N) and gave her dirty looks and same with Harry.

"I swear to Merlin someone else side eyes me, I'll try to fix their eyes for them--Do u need something?" (Y/N) snapped as she saw a wizarding family looking at her and whispering but quickly went wide eye as they saw they were caught and left.

"You need to calm down--Tell her Snuffles" Mason said as he looked at Sirius but he was also glaring at people who were looking at her. "Nevermind".

"Remember you two, if you dream anything please write" Lupin whispered as he looked at Harry and (Y/N) once he was by their side. 

Harry and (Y/N) shared a look before looking back at Lupin. "We promise!". The twins, Harry and Mason all got up and gave Padfoot one last smile.

"We'll write Snuffles and after this year we promise to spend more time together" Oliver smiled at him. 

"Black!" Padfoot, Lupin, the twins, Mason and Harry were the only ones to turn around to see Adrian Pucey coming towards them. The Weasleys, Mad-Eye and Tonks were all currently talking to busy to notice. 

"Yes" The twins said, Padfoot stood between as well as he sat down.

"Not you--" Adrian spat at Oliver making him roll his eyes. "I'm talking about her" as he looked at (Y/N).

"What do you want Pucey were not even at Hogwarts for you to be annoying" (Y/N) sighed.

"I read the Daily Prophet--" (Y/N) made a pretend shock face. "Wow, you could read. Good for you!"

"Shut up you didn't let me finish, I read about you and good hair being prophecies and how you assume the Dark Lord is back. Total rubbish" Adrian glared at her. Oliver smiled at the nickname as everyone else was just watching.

"Guess what? I don't care" (Y/N) gave him a fake smile as she started to pick up her trunk and was about to give Lupin a hug.

"I still stand by what I said two years ago--you and Black jr seem to follow in your father footstep threatening an employee what's next. I--" Adrian was suddenly pushed against a wall making everyone in the platform to look at them.

"If I were you Pucey, I'll watch that pretty mouth of yours. Don't want a repeat of what happened two years ago, do you?" (Y/N) whispered as her mouth was right next to his ear.

As Oliver and Mason were about to make their way towards them Padfoot barked as they looked at him and he shook his head, wagging his tail. Lupin rolled his eyes and made his way to them instead. 

"Of course I don't" Adrian shook his head as (Y/N) pulled back and let him go. Adrian glared at her one more time before leaving. 

"You have to put your anger in control this year, especially this year (Y/N/N). After what the Daily Prophet been saying it's not good for you to burst out" Lupin sighed.

"I'll try but like I said someone else says something that'll be on them for having a broken nose" (Y/N) said as she went to hug Lupin.

"Come on it's time to get on the train" Tonks said, Oliver, (Y/N) and Mason gave her a hug.

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