CHAPTER 35-Torture, Kiss and Runaway

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"No! no one else will know not now, I'm going to my dorm" Oliver sighed getting up.

"Oliver you can come with us--" Ron began.

"No Ron, I want to be alone right now, i'll see you lot later" Oliver said as he walked out.

"I'm heading out too" Mason sniffled as he walked out.

"Goodnight and Potter just know this doesn't change anything but I loved her too and if--if you ever want to--to talk about it i'm here" Draco sniffled sticking his hand out.

"Thanks Malfoy and same here" Harry said shaking his hand before Draco walked out. "We're heading out too, Goodnight Professor and Lupin". The both nodded as The golden trio, Lee and the twins walked out.

"I can't believe she's actually gone" Fred mumbled as he wiped the tears away.

"(Y/N) didn't die in vain, She died protecting me and Oli, (Y/N) was brave and I think that's how we should remember her" Harry said letting the tears fall.

"You think Sirius knows?" Ron asked.

"I don't think so" George sighed.

"He does" Harry spoke up as they made their way to the portrait as he said the password all of them walking in. "Dumbledore told him yesterday"

"Wait--So you knew since yesterday? And you didn't say anything" Fred asked clenching his jaw.

"It's not something you just come out and say Fred!" Harry snapped. "Goodnight".

"He's right we're all heart broken here Fred, I don't think getting mad at Harry is the right thing to do right now" Hermione spoke up making all the boys look at her as she walked up the stairs.

The boys all walked up the stairs and went to their dorms, The twins and Lee went into their room as they all changed in pajamas in silence. Fred was the first to get into bed as he cried the boys doing the same. The girl that Fred fell in love with, his best friend was gone and he couldn't say a proper goodbye, he would do anything to just have a few more moment with her, anything to be with her again. 

It was now the last day of Hogwarts also the day of the memorial for Cedric and (Y/N). Oliver hasn't talked to anyone since he came back, Eliza saw him one day crying in the courtyard and went up to him as he broke down in her arms. Oliver told her everything, he felt at ease when talking to her, he felt broken and at blame Eliza being with him every day since then.

Fred wasn't his cheerful self, Ginny ended up finding out about (Y/N) and deciding to be there for her brother. George and Lee helping him cope as they were also heart broken, Ron and Hermione helping Harry and Mason out but always getting pushed away by them telling them they were fine. Draco only talked to Blaise about this and telling his goons off everytime, Pansy Parkinson found out and helped Draco out as she even felt bad for Harry.


During St.Mungo's the healers took (Y/N)'s body into a different room as they walked out the door they didn't notice the lightning bolt scar on her chest as it was above her heart glowing red as it stopped. Many thoughts were forming inside her head as one memory came into place, She was hit with the killing curse and made it to Hogwarts before closing her eyes. (Y/N)'s finger started to move as she felt that memory repeat in her head until one last time she saw a green light hit her chest.

(Y/N) opened her eyes and gasped for air as she sat on the bed, her chest rising up and down. A burning sensation was felt on her chest as she winced and looked to see a scar glowing red before stopping, the door opened as (Y/N) looked up to see a healer. The healer looked at (Y/N) wide eye before running out the room and calling for more to come, she felt confused until she heard a voice.

𝙳𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙻𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂 [𝙵𝚁𝙴𝙳 𝚆𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙻𝙴𝚈]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum