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"Alicia Spinnet scores! Another 10 points to Gryffindor. The chasers on this team are amazing, you will never find nothing like them on any other team!" Lee screamed into the microphone. Heidi Macavoy threw the Quaffle to score but Oliver Wood blocked it, throwing it towards [Y/N] who immediately started flying to Hufflepuff hoops.

"Oliver Wood has blocked Heidi! [Y/N] Black in possession of the Quaffle! Come on [Y/N]- AND SHE SCORES! Another 10 points to Gryffindor!" Lee Yelled. After scoring a few more points Gryffindor were 50 points up, Oliver Wood called a time out, the team flying down to were Wood stood.

"What's the score?" Harry asked.

"We're fifty points up," Wood spoke, "-but unless we get the snitch soon, we'll be playing into the night."

"I've got no chance with these on." Harry said exasperatedly, waving his glasses.

"Here Harry give them to me," [Y/N] took out her wand from her pants pocket, "Impervius!"

With a flick of her wand, she handed it back to Harry, "Here now they will repel the water."

[Y/N] smiled handing  it back to Harry, Oliver looked at the girl in awe before rushing to her and spinning her in a hug finally putting her down giving her a kiss on the cheek making [Y/N] laugh.

"You really are so wonderful- now let's get back to the game and win." Oliver smiled before mounting his broom again 

"Wood's right you are wonderful." Fred smiled at her before mounting his broom followed by the rest of the team.

It's been a while and the game was still going on- the team freezing and them wishing for Harry to catch the snitch. While flying behind Angelina, [Y/N] suddenly got that seem feeling she got on the Hogwarts Express making her stop in the middle of the air.

[Y/N] suddenly heard screaming, looking up, she froze when she saw a hundred dementors and what shocked her the most was when she saw Harry falling from the sky at a inhumane rate.

"Arresto Momentum!" Dumbledore yelled as he stood up from the teachers stand and pointed his fingers to Harry making him fall down slowly.


"Looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" Ron questioned looking over at Harry.

"Peaky? What d'you expect he fell over a hundred feet!" Fred replied.

"Yeah, c'mon Ron let's walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see what you look like" George retaliated.

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." Harry mumbled as he started to open his eyes, making the team break into a smile and sigh at the relief that he was fine.

"How're you feeling?" Hermione asked.

"Brilliant." Harry responded sarcastically.

"You gave us right a scare there mate."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"You fell off your broom." Hermione told him.

"I mean the match, we didn't lose did we?" Harry asked looking between his friends and cousins.

"No one blames you Harry really it's just-" [Y/N] started.

"The dementors aren't meant to come on grounds, Dumbledore was furious, sent them off once he saved you, gave [Y/N] an effect as well." Oliver informed him.

"We lost, Cedric caught the snitch he didn't know what happened until he saw you on the ground, wanted a rematch saying how it wasn't fair but Wood won't budge saying they won fair and square." [Y/N] mention making Harry sunk in his bed in disappointment.

"Where is Wood?" Harry asked.

"Still in the showers reckon he's trying to drown himself." Fred chuckles at that [Y/N] smacked the back of his head earning a whine from the boy.

"We'll let you rest Harry, we'll come back and see you later." Oliver told his baby cousin before ruffling up his hair making his way out the Hospital Wing with [Y/N] and the twins beside him.

"Are you sure your okay to leave, don't you want Madam Pomfrey to check on you too." Oliver looked over to his sister with a worried expression.

"I promise I'm fine just freaked out a bit," [Y/N] responded, looking up at her brother giving him a reassuring smile. "Let's go back to the changing rooms. I need to change out of these."

Nodding they all made their way toward the changing rooms. Fred, George and [Y/N] enter cautiously while Oliver said he'll wait for them outside. Making their way inside, they heard Wood in his captain office talking to himself.

Quickly changing they came back out with dry clothes and walking back to Hogwarts upon entering they saw Liam talking to some random Slytherin boy.

"You guys go ahead, I need to talk to Liam about something." [Y/N] informed them, given her solid nod they walked to the Gryffindor common room. [Y/N] made her way towards to Liam, he noticed her walking closer that he ended the conversation with the boy telling him he'll see him later.

"Hi." [Y/N] greeted, looking up at him with a small smile.

"Hey- Look I'm sorry I've been distance recently, I just needed  to think about certain things and you did really great out their today." Liam began, holding his hand out for her to take she complied as they intertwined fingers.

"It's fine really I needed time to think too, with the OWL'S coming up and the whole situation with my dad some time alone was great." [Y/N] replied.

"You know what sounds great right now." Liam told her letting go of her hand and wrapping around her waist.

"Some nice reading in a quiet room just you and me." Liam continued. [Y/N] smiled and nodded before grabbing his face and pulling it down her level to give him a quick kiss.

A/N- Another chapter Out today yay don't forget to vote


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