Start from the beginning

Oliver and Liam were also in the Quidditch team both were beaters, they were also furious about not playing the upcoming because of Draco Malfoy. After eating they decided to hang out except for Liam and [Y/N] who decided they wanted time alone. Fred and [Y/N] never really talked about what happened during practice and pretended it really was nothing.

"Father thought it was better for me to get my own dorm-room which I'm not complaining about because we can come here anytime and just be alone." Liam smiled,opening the door.

Walking inside there was a fireplace, a couch in front and king size bed in the middle of the room, a shelf full of books, a huge kitchen and a bathroom. [Y/N] walked further in the room she went over to the book shelf, her fingers tracing the spines of many muggle books. Smiling at her- Liam closed the door behind him and locked it.

Walking behind her, he wrapped his arm around her pulling her so her back is against his chest

Liam moved some of her (h/c) hair aside and buried his head on the crook of her neck- his breath hitting her skin softly, sending goosebumps down her back. [Y/N] closed her eyes and threw her head slowly back to allow him more acces, taking this as an opportunity he started to suck on her neck, soft moans leaving her lips. Opening her eyes- she took a hold of his hand and walked over to the bed.

Liam slowly laying down, [Y/N] got on top and began a heated kiss. His hands taking a hold on her hips, slowly one arm tugging on her shirt, she got the hint and stopped this kiss before taking off her jumper only leaving her in bra and grey sweatpants. Having time alone they had a good night.


It has been a few weeks and nothing has been said about Sirius Black since the time at the Great Hall. Liam and [Y/N] have been spending a lot of time in his dorm studying for the OWL'S and sometimes just reading or talking about whatever. Fred has been feeling slightly jealous on how his best friend hasn't been spending much time with him or the others but decided not to comment on it.

It was time for their last class of the day and Oliver, [Y/N], Lee and The Weasley Twins were making their way to Divination class.

"This class is full of rubbish anyways the only reason I'm taking this and not Ancient runes is because I will have to actually listen in that class." [Y/N] complained after they made their way inside the classroom.

Their were round tables and two or in some three set of tea cups in the middle of the table, Fred sat with [Y/N] and Oliver was in between George and Lee behind both of them. Many started making their way inside the classroom some were excited and some weren't.

"Doesn't Liam take Ancient runes instead of Divination, I mean you wouldn't been alone you have him," Fred said almost bitterly. [Y/N] noticed his tone but decide not to say anything.

"And why does that matter, my attention span and that class will not go great together." She said looking at Fred who just shrugged.

"How about after class me and you, hangout, sneak out even." [Y/N] tried to make up for lost time with him. Fred immediately looked up from his divination book, smiling brightly and nodded.

Lee and George were too busy pay attention to Oliver ranting about how he was not having a good hair day.

"Good afternoon class today we will be reading tea leaves, now turn your tea cup upside down to it's saucer, wait for the last of the tea to drain away, then give your cup to your partner to read," Professor Trelawney announced once walking in. She was a thin women with large magnifying glasses.

[Y/N] did exactly that and switched cups with Fred

"Alright so yours looks like a dog?, Maybe a weird looking cross, I don't think this is in the book." Fred said reading from unfogging the future, Divination book.

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