A/N: WATT next? (Get it?)

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So, people are reading my story, so I feel like it's time to ask what you guys really feel about my writing. Can you guys let me know what you want me to write next. You can all tell me what you want, and I will deliver.

Having said that, I kinda am hoping for another request. I really liked writing the last one. Thanks, by the way, for letting me write that! It was amazingly fun!

I have no more to say. I just am hoping for feedback and hoping you don't mind my asking you what you think. What chapter is next? How about I let you guys choose. Any new ideas for a new character? Tell me! Help me out and I'll write more for y'all.

I love you guys more than you know.

Thank you for giving me a chance.

Markiplier: Once Upon A TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang