--Mark:Reader~A Short Adventure Pt.2--

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I just want to clarify, as I forgot to in the last chapter. This is a story that takes place in an alternate world that I based on a child's mind/imagination. I don't even like kids, but at the same time, I love them. They have this innocence. I've kept the imagination I had as a child. I feel it's important you do too.

Also, sorry for the delay. My grandpa was in the hospital and then school came back and yeah. I'm trying so hard. Please love me ;-;

You chose option C.1

The air was silent, but warmer in this area. The rubble of small stone buildings littered the area, all coated in a layer of early autumn leaves. There was a sort of eeriness to the area, undefined by words, only understood by feeling.

"There's no one here," Mark commented, picking up a stone. "In fact, this place has been empty a long time."

"I suppose so," you said, kicking some leaves. They flew up into the air, scattering about in chaotic clusters.

You and Mark didn't really care for emptiness. It was pleasant sometimes, but mostly just lonely. Lonely wasn't something you enjoyed. No one does. So you decided to keep moving east.

As your feet crunched on the leaves, you heard something else crunch behind you. It wasn't a challenge to figure out you weren't alone. Mark drew his sword as you did likewise. Although Elven forgery would not save you from the firey breath of the dragon you now faced.

He was at least a score long measured in feet. He was crouched on all fours, five feet tall when pressing against the ground. His scales were a vibrant red, his horns an ivory white. Teeth that glistened in the sunlight, no doubt tipped with an acid spit, glared at you almost as strongly as the bright yellow eyes.

Terror ran through you. There was nowhere you could run that would prevent it from immediately catching you. The scales would deflect the swords, it's webbed ears obsoleting your screams. You would be dust, ash, smoke, a puddle, a meal before you could so much as blink. And even though all these thoughts swam through both of your heads, you and Mark remained safe.

For the beast did not roar. He did not lunge or attack. He spit not, he bit not, quiet he remained. This was not a harmful creature with a pack of angry assailants. This was not a dominant male with a harem of concubines. He was just a traveler like you. And every traveler has a code.

If it isn't yours, don't take it. This place was not his. These humans were not his. You didn't own the area either. You didn't own the dragon or the soil you stood on. There was no reason to battle for the lives you didn't own. There was no reason to fight for unclaimed soil. What reason have you for claiming what belongs to no one? This is why neither you nor the dragon advanced.

When the moment of silence broke, it was you and Mark sheathing your swords. Travelers can easily identify each other, and so no attack or defense was necisarry.

"What brings you here, gentle beast?" You inquired, bowing slightly. The dragon nodded his giant head.

In a deep voice, he replied, "I'm passing through."

"We are too," Mark said. You smiled at the dragon.

"We're heading east," you said. Mark nodded. "Towards a mountain, I think. What about you?"

"I'm heading past the mountain," he replied, his leathery wings unfolding. "I could give you a ride to the mountain side, if you like."

You both obliged, climbing onto the dragon's back. He took off into the air and you had to hold only the ridges of scales lining his back to keep from falling off. The wind against your face was peaceful and serene. It was beautiful too, the forest below and the mountain scape fast approaching. Within a couple minutes, seconds, you would arrive.

Mark hummed a tune barely heard over the whipping winds. By the time you landed on the side of the mountain, Mark was finished.

"Thank you," you spoke in earner to the dragon, who nodded.

"It was no trouble at all," he replied.

After saying goodbye, Mark smiled at you. The dragon flew away and you two stood still, trying to figure out where to go next.

You have three options...

A. You and Mark stumble through the wooded mountain and find an abandoned shack. Seeking shelter now from what appears to be an oncoming storm, you set up camp in the shack.

B. The mountain seems to be travelled upon by unknown creatures, giant footprints littering the ground. Mark proposes you both track the creatures. Which may or may not go so well.

C. After rummaging through a couple random dump sites to find more materials, you and Mark head out over the mountains in search of new trading areas.

You guys vote which one you want!! I'm counting on you!!

Markiplier: Once Upon A TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ