Sexiplier:Reader Don't Talk to the Loon

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Raven: *quietly sitting on the couch in the basement, saying nothing and staring at the wall*

Sexiplier: *standing in the doorway with you* Is she ok?

You: She's been like this for two days straight. I don't think she's even eaten or slept.

Raven: I don't need to eat.

You: Are you ok?

Raven: I am the potato god. I am more than ok.

Sexiplier: Raven? Do you want to explain what's going on here?

Raven: The potato have claimed me as their supreme leader. I am sitting here, realizing the universe. I have seen the beginning, and it all started with potato. I have also seen the end if all things, and it ends with potato, but potato remains. All the potato remains.

You: Why aren't you saying "potatoes"?

Raven: Because potato is plural for potato. Also, there is no reason is say the letter "a" in front of potato. Potato is life.

Sexiplier: What do we do about her?

You: I don't know. Maybe run?

Raven: You cannot escape potato. And I, your potato god, shall stop you from escaping.

Sexiplier: *grabs your hand and runs*

Raven: Shit.

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