Down Through The Rabbit Hole The Mark Hatter Is Dying

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Warning: There will be a part two and it will be bloody brilliant, like this. I spent a long time on this and it's fucking phenomenal. Thank you for taking the time to read it. It's my new favourite chapter.

"I AM NOT HIM! YOU HAVE THE WRONG MAN!" Mark shrieked. The heart card guards carried him by his arms as his legs kicked franticly.

The kingdom of the Red Queen of Hearts had recently been opposed by a man by the name of the Mad Hatter (Darkiplier). He had a team of people and animals who would meet and devise plans of terrorism over an innocent looking tea party.

Markiplier, an innocent hatter, looked almost exactly like the Mad Hatter. Usually he had his ID on him so people would know, but today he had forgotten it. And that caused something aweful to insue.

"IM NOT THE MAD HATTER! ASK CHESH!" Mark screamed. As he was dragged through the kingdom, people stared, shocked and terrified of the infamous 'Mad Hatter'.

A couple hours later, Mark was laying in the dungeon of the palace, all shackled up. He had given up at this point. Why would he bother trying to escape? It wasn't like he would make it anywhere anyway. There were guards lined up down the halls. He would die sooner than make an escape.

It was getting late now. He could tell because there was a clock on the wall. There was no way for him to see the sun set tonight because the only window had boards in front of it for no discernible reason.

As the clock struck eight, Mark felt his sorrow growing. He had a business. A life. A growing career, and that wouldn't matter at all by sundown tomorrow.

"What's the point of it all...?" Mark asked himself. "What's the point in trying if failure is all I'm getting. Death is my reward for all my years of hard work just because I look exactly like this 'Mad Hatter' fellow... I wish he didn't exist..."

Mark was going to keep talking to himself, but he was cut off by the loud creak of the door being violently pulled open. He tilted his head to see a girl with Y/H/C hair and a blue and white dress being tossed into the cell with him. He knew without a doubt it was Alice (you).

Alice used to be a simple girl, only (insert ye age here) years old. She was honestly not that important. Until, that is, she met the Mad Hatter. He fed Alice these awful tales of how the the Red Queen was evil. That she was only red becuase of the blood she spilled.

Alice believed these lies, growing to be on the side of the rebellion. People never really took the rebellion seriously- after all, it was mostly maniacal tea parties- until Alice joined. She single handedly infiltrated the kingdom, stole the Vorpal Sword, and then murdered the legendary Jabberwocky, a beast no longer toiled with by common man, or even the most skilled soldier, for that matter.

Fear had been sweeping the kingdom with this news. The Red Queen was far too important to be concerned with a silly girl before Alice had slain the mighty Jabberwocky. After that, the Bandersnatch was sent to kill her. Not a day later, it's head was found hanging on a pole outside the palace gates.

The final trial they threw her way was the Borogrove, not to easily defeated. It's sharp talons sliced her face, leaving her blind in her left eye. The scar went from her forehead straight down to her jawline. She now wore a white, pink, and black striped eyepatch, the colours of the rebellion.

And now she was sitting in a cell with Mark. She was handcuffed, yes, but that didn't make him feel any safer.

Alice sighed as the door slammed shut. She had her eyes closed, possibly only the one though. Mark couldn't tell, what with the eyepatch and all. Alice leaned against the wall emitting a loud sigh. She looked upset for being thrown in the prison. Who wouldn't be?

Her face went into concentration, her eyes still shut tightly. Suddenly, she appeared sad. Almost remorseful. It was then that Mark saw the blood stains on her dress. Had she...? Suddenly, and quite quickly, her face contorted into a smile, her lips curling upward in a viscous and sinister grin. Her eye remained fastened shut like an invisible thread had the upper lid sewn to the bottom one. She began to laugh a crazy laugh that filled the empty cell and brought terror to Mark's heart with every echoing bellow. Once she stopped laughing, she relaxed, slumping farther down on the cold stone wall. She began to speak in a cold, evil sort of tone.

"I don't suspect I'll be here long..." She said. Mark considered speaking, but remained quiet for the time being. Alice continued. "I mean, and I'm guessing you're wondering this, I'm not going to be here for long because I can just escape. Whether I'm freed by the Hatter or get out on my own, you can bet your life I'll be out of here by sun-up."

"I doubt betting my life will do me any good," Mark mumbled after a moment. "And I'll be beheaded along with you by sun-set tomorrow, or you're not a crazy wench."

"Do not bet my insanity on such things," Alice retorted. She sounded as thought she would cut his tongue out if he said this in... Different circumstances...

"I shall do as I please. None of this matters now anyway." Mark had gone into despair as soon as he was shackled to the wall.

"Well I'll be gone by sun-up," Alice said again. Mark didn't say anything, so silence fell for a short while before Alice picked up again. "And I'm assuming you are in here because you look like the Hatter. Don't worry. Your death will be rejoiced. It will not be forgotton until the true Hatter reveales his longevity."

"If you're tying to cheer me up," Mark began, "do not attempt to do so by speaking of my beheading."

"I'm merely stating that it won't be for nothing. It will assist in the rising of the rebellion."

"That doesn't do much for my hope either. I hope the bloody rebellion dies out along with you. When you are beheaded."

Mark added the last part in quickly, earning a scoff from Alice. She looked angry. Mark didn't want to poke the bear, so to speak.

"I'm going to be out of here by sun-up," she said one more time. Mark was unsure whether she knew she said that before or not.

"We'll see," Mark muttered. He slumped foreward, closing his eyes. It would be a painful sleep, but at least he could...

As he began to drift off, his mind was filled with all sorts of images. He wasn't nearly as nervous as he should have been. The images were of what it might look like to see the crowd standing before him as he walked to the guillotine. He hoped it wouldn't be nearly as frightening as he was imagining it.

Alice muttered quietly to herself about how she was going to be escaping by sun-up, an unlikely outcome at this point. Mark was aggravated by this, but didn't bother saying anything because he had now fallen asleep.

End of part one.

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