Whatever you do, don't touch the chicken!

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((For @Venus_the_Artist becuase they gave me a wonderful title to work with! I hope you like it!))

When you heard the squaking, you knew it was time to run. An angry swarm of chickens coming after you could mean only bad things. You sprinted, leaping to gain speed, down the rocky mountain-scape.

Dodging trees once you entered the forest, you could hear the furious clucking above. They couldn't get you while you were in the trees, but they would damn sure try.

When the first one of the swarm came down to attack you, you pulled out your sword and cut it's head off. Two more came, the heads rolling to the ground as you tried to think your way out of the situation.

And just then, at the perfect, opportune moment, your sword broke. Great.

Before you knew what was happening, the minecraft server crashed, causing you to throw your headphones off in dispair. Mark stood behind you, looking down at you.

"Crazy Craft causing crashes?" Mark asked. You sighed.

"As much as I love the alliteration, I'm rather upset about this..." You murmured. Mark rubbed your shoulders, soothing you.

"Better luck next time?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Mark."

~~~One week later~~~

"ANOTHER ONE?!" You shouted, looking at the chicken before you.

You are Mark decided to play Crazy Craft together, taking the risk again to enjoy the chaotic Crazy Craft, causing computer-crashing conundrums. And chickens. CHICKENS!

"Can I punch it?" Mark inquired, getting closer to it. You punched him.

"No! God no! No more punching chickens!"

"But moooom!"

"Whatever you do, don't touch the chicken!"

"I'm touching the chicken!"

"Don't do it!"

"I'm gonna!"

You didn't want to do it, but you had to. You whipped out your diamond sword, hitting Mark four times and killing him dead.


"I warned you..."

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