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For this, I request you read it once, then read it a second time with the knowledge of the ending. You'll find I didn't make any errors and the wording was hard to play with, but ARE YOU READY FOR THIS SUPER SHORT THINGY-MA-JIGGER?!

You sat down on your couch, your eyes closing as you leaned back into the soft coushins. You wanted your mind to wander, but it was stuck in one place.

You kept thinking about meeting your idol, Markiplier. You thought often about it never happening. It was so unlikely for that to ever happen to anyone. You kept telling yourself that so few people do, you should count yourself lucky for even being in the fandom. Your mind is fixed on this thought.

This idea. What if you never met Mark? What would become of you? You likely wouldn't go insane, considering just watching his videos would be enough. You sighed and stood up. Maybe thinking those thoughts would distract you from your reality, something you liked to accept. It was hard, however, to accept it.

Your hands barely scraped the counter as you waltzed to the refrigerator. There was nothing in there. Nothing worth it. Mostly just things your boyfriend eats. You shut the fridge, your mind still sort of dancing with that little thought.

Most people don't get to meet markiplier in their lives. You wondered what your life would be like if you were one of them. The unlucky ones. The bravest ones. The special ones who can still enjoy something without trying to get too close. Not the moth drawn to the flame, but the deer observing it. The people who don't touch the flower that grows near the sidewalk; they just stare at it and admire it's magnificence.

You walked to the window, gazing out at the clouds. They were beautiful and always caught your attention. Maybe observing those clouds could make you more like the strong ones. You sighed, for it was pointless. You weren't one of them. You weren't a strong person who could live properly knowing meeting their idol was sort of pointless. You wanted to pick the flower and keep it in a vase with you until it dies.

Bad people come in all shapes and forms. People who pick flowers are not bad people. They often don't know that the flower is already dead until it wilts. When it's gone and leaves them, they see. And they regret even seeing the flower in the first place. Some things are too beautiful to be replaced.

The sound of the door opening snapped you out of your thoughts. Mostly. You heard it, but you didn't want to move. You felt his hands on your shoulders.

"Are you alright, honey?" His voice flowed into your body like the scent of a flower, driving you mad.

"I'm fine, Mark."

You turned to face the man you had admired for years, the one that chose you. And you chose him.

With Mark, you didn't pick the flower. You dug it out of the ground, it's roots still intact. You planted it in a pot to keep it alive and safe and always with you.

You often thought what your life would be like if you had never met Mark.

What would your life be like if you never looked down to find a flower amongst the boring dirt?

Markiplier: Once Upon A TimeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя