Markiplier:Reader Dreams

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It's cold. Like, really cold. The wind whips at your face as you walk down the street towards the coffee shop you go to every Saturday afternoon.

There's a sweet little shop on the corner of the street wherein you have written many a fanfiction about you and Mark meeting. Mark...

That one guy. That guy that you love. Every night, you dream of this youtuber. Your favourite of all because he's the kindest. You've always dreamt of meeting him, but those are just dreams.

The snow on the ground crunches, and you begin to think about the most recent video he posted. You loved happy wheels highlights, and this was no exception.

As you open the door, you are greeted with the familiar scents of the coffee shop. The beans roasting in the back, the pastries in the cabinet and the coffees being brewed.

When you walk in, you look around. There are no empty tables, so you find a big one and sit down there. You usually hate to share tables, but this was a day you couldn't just walk back. The weather was outrageous.

There was someone sitting across from you at the table. Normally, you would have ignored them and continued writing a fanfiction on your iPhone, but today you happened to look up, and that's when you got a surprise.

There was the man of your dreams sitting there in front of you. Mark Fischbach. Markiplier, on youtube. Everything around you seemed to fall away as you stared at him in awe.

"Hey. are you alright?" He asked, looking over at you.

"You're him..." you whispered under your breath.

"Oh! Are you a fan?" He said. That voice was like velvet on your ears.

"Y-yes. I'm Y/N," you said, voice and body and mind all shakey and restless.

"Pleased to meet you! Wanna chat, then? Since we got time to kill till the storm passes." He was the man you always dreamt about. Always loved and always would. But that's when it hit you

"No!" You shouted, arms going up to your face as you practically collapsed on the table. "No no no no no!"

"What is it? What's wrong?" Concern filled his voice, lacing his eyes when you looked up to meet then.

"Can I talk to you outside, please?" You said, getting up. You knew he would follow.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" He said once both of you were standing in the snow. Neither of you minded the cold.

"It's just... I'm actually meeting you now, and..." your voice trailed off as you began to day dream about those fanfictions you wrote.

"Go on. I'm listening," he said.

You sighed. You were ready to say it.

"Every day, I dream about you, Mark. I dream because you are my hero. And every time someone has a hero, they dream of meeting that person. And I always have. I have always wanted to meet you because of the dreams that people write down on the internet.

"You always read those fanfictions, you know, Mark? Those ones where the girl meets Mark and they instantly fall in love. Those are the fanfictions I dream about. I want them to be true. I dream about them.

"But then I ignore reality. I let it slip away into the internet and dream. But dreams don't come true, and I am a damned fool to think they do.

"When I saw you, my first thought was about those dreams. Those dreams will never come true. And now that I'm here, I realize that they never will.

"My dreams are crushed, Mark, by meeting you. By meeting you, it becomes confirmed that they won't. There is a fork in the road now, and you've taken over the wheel of my car. I could go right, and have all those dreams come true, or go left, and have them all confirmed as just dreams, nothing more. And even then, they are gone.

"A dream is only a dream because nothing has happened to it. It's there, but it's stuck in a state of no motion. Not moving or getting farther away. And now the dream is dead.

"Once it's confirmed, I can't dream those things anymore. And then they die. And there's nothing I can do about it, because this isn't a dream," you spit out as fast as you could, until you finally fell towards the snow as a heap of sadness. Mark caught you in his arms and held you close.

"And because it's not a dream, than the love I feel for you is real," he said.

And for that one moment, you felt as though you were reading fanfiction, or watching a video. But most of all, it felt like you were lost in the infinity space and floating, dancing with the stars in a dream.

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