Let's Play A Game Pt.2

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Mark's pov:

I knew what Dark was doing before he even teleported out. When I tried to get to the door, I found it locked shut. I tried to scream, but I knew he soundproofed the walls.

"NEW GIRL!!" I shouted, pounding on the door. "HEY RUN PLEASE NEW GIRL RUN!!"

When no response came, I tried again and again. Finally my voice hurt, and so I gave up and slunked against the wall. He was going to hurt her. I knew that much was true.

Your pov:

I didn't know why, but I began to run as soon as I heard the creature talk. I leaped over logs and things, bounding through the forest. I was scared and alone, cold and defenseless. I finally gave up and stopped running.

"What are your fears, girl?" The snide voice of Darkiplier drifted to my ears from all directions surrounding me.

"SHUT UP!!" I shouted. I sat on the ground, the silence growing and enveloping me. Finally, Dark broke it.

"What about spiders?" As he said this, I felt something on my arm. I looked over to see a small spider. Ok. Not too bad. I could handle that.

As I got up and began running out of sheer terror of the small spider, I didn't know my surroundings were even morphing until I was strapped to a chair in a grey cell. I couldn't move at all. As I tried to scream, I felt something tickling my leg.

The gag in my mouth restrained my muffled cries for help as the tarantula climbed its way up to my knee. It stopped, looking around.

"Oh dear," the sarcastic voice of the creature floated back to me again. "Well someone's caught in a pickle."

The tarantula moved up to my stomach, climbing all over. It's legs tickled my arms, my elbows, my shoulders, until it was right on my neck. Tears fell softly down my cheeks as I held still, knowing the tarantula would stop eventually. But it didn't. And when it began to climb onto my face, I suppressed my wildest urges to scream. Even faint.

"You're stronger than you look." Darkiplier sounded impressed, and that made me proud. The spider went away and I was sitting in a glass box, chained shut.

"What's this?" I asked, tapping on the glass. "A box?"

"Observant. But what else do you see?" Dark asked. I looked around. Finally, my eyes settled on a large pipe.

"No..." I muttered, realizing, very slowly, that it was a water valve.

"Yes," Dark replied. "Now how are you going to escape?"

The water began filling the tank a lot quicker than I thought it would, and soon I was standing in shin deep, knee deep, thigh deep water. I frantically searched until I saw something. The necklace around my neck.

I always wore the diamond necklace my mother gave me. It was a good luck charm, she said. I wasted no time removing the diamond and holding it steadily to the glass. I reached into my pocket and took out my water damaged phone. I banged the diamond once. Water up to my stomach. I hit it again. Water up to my chest. A third time. Up to my neck. I took a deep breath, hitting it one last time. The glass wall shattered and I fell out with the flow of water.

I looked up, expecting to see broken glass and water, but instead saw a plank, stretching at least twenty yards out to a ledge. I realized the situation.

I was on a ledge over a hundred feet in the air with a narrow plank and my exit on the other side. Heights... This was bad. I looked around.

"It's not the fear of heights," I muttered. "Or the fear of falling." I took a step out onto the flimsy looking plank. "It's the sudden stop at the end."

I then, quite literally, began to walk the plank.


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