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((Suggested by whoviangirl222 ))

A quiet day in your home. Nice and pleasant. Well... for like, ten minutes.

"Y/N! IM HOOOOME!" Mark's voice drifted around the corner and into the living room. You groaned, setting the book you were reading down on the coffee table.

"I can hear that, Mark," you said as you walked cautiously into the next room, eyes searching for your rambunctious boyfriend.

You found him standing in the kitchen holding a rabbit with black fur and red eyes. You stared at it. It was terrifying. It stared back at you, as if to say "He's mine now, Y/N. He's mine forever."

"Isn't he cute?" Mark asked, thrusting the rabbit towards you. You took a step back.

"He's too scary. I don't like him," you replied honestly. He shook his head.

"I named it Darkiplier!" Mark shouted.

"Like the internet thing? The evil you?"


"It's scary. I don't like it."

"But he's Darkiplier!"

"Please get it away."

The rabbit continued to stare, never breaking gaze with you. It looks as if it was trying to melt your brain. Trying to say "I WILL EAT YOUR FUCKING SOUL, Y/N! I WILL REIGN SUPREME!" Not today, small furry animal. Not today.

"Can we find him a good home?" You asked, nervous.

"But this is a good home!" Mark whined. "Try holding him!" He held the rabbit towards you and you leapt back in fright.

"IM NOT TOUCHING THAT THING!" You shouted. "Where did you even get it?"

"Pet store. Hold him!"


Mark started chasing you around, holding the rabbit out for you to touch. You ran from him, not wanting to touch Darkiplier the Bunny of Doom.

"mark... maRK... mARK... MARK GET THAT RABBIT AWAY!!!" You screamed, diving into a bathroom and locking the door.

"Aw, Y/N!" Mark whined. "Come out please?"

"No! I don't like that thing!" You shouted again.

You were legitimately frightened. The way it stared at you as if it knew your deepest darkest secrets. It may just be a rabbit, but you didn't want any part of being near it.

There was a long silence. You could hear the door open and close again, footsteps getting fainter as Mark walked down the hall of the apartment building. You poked your head out of the bathroom, gradually emerging completely. He was gone. The bunny was no where to be seen.

You say down on the couch, sighing. Flipping through your phone, you thought about how you might have offended Mark. Did you drive him away...? You worried silently, nervous. It was ten solid minutes before Mark came back.

The door opened and you heard Mark's footsteps get closer to you. His hand on your shoulder startled you.

"I'm sorry I brought a rabbit home without your consent..." Mark muttered. He looked really shy about the whole thing. You stood up, looking at him.

"I'm sorry I was upset by the rabbit... It was black with red eyes... Not good..." You sighed. "Where did it go, anyway?" You looked around.

"I gave it to a neighbor," Mark said.

"Did they want the rabbit?"

"I bribed them to take it for ten bucks."

"That's the Mark I know."

You brought your arms out, beckoning for a hug. Mark gladly accepted, wrapping his strong arms around you in a warm bear hug. You burried your face in the crook of his neck. He smiled, running the back of your head with his thumb.

"I'm still sorry," he murmured.

"Shut up," you said with a grin, leaning up and kissing his cheek before going back to your book.

Markiplier: Once Upon A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now