One Rant And One Warning

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((Warning: You Have Been Warned))

1. Ok. I'm done. I can't handle that anymore. I know I'm different. I know I'm weird and strange. And I know that people aren't going to accept that. I know that I'm not like everyone else, and I know the detrimental effects this has on the people around me. I know it's obvious once you meet me. I know you can see it clearly when you look into my eyes. I know people can see it, even if I don't want them to. And I know that it's not good or pretty, but I have to face the facts. I have to face it sooner or later. Yes, I am a duck. Yes, I have a bill and white feathers and waddle around on my little webbed ducky feet. But today is not the day for dwelling on that. Today is a day for moving forward and accepting who I am. And maybe I can't fit it, but who cares? At least I'm alive. And I have really pretty feathers. Thank you.

And now for something actually really important that like no one is actually going to read.

I'm making it a story. The next chapter, if you will. See you on the next page.

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