A/N: Please Understand

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First thing is first: I initially wrote this on my diary thing, but rewrote it here because people actually READ this thing. I know I just did an A/N but bear with me.

Shadana I'm a bad person. I mean... I am definitely a bad person. Before you go telling me I'm not, I wanna let myself tell you that I want to copy Shadana's ideas. Not like COPY copy... but I always liked the style of the...

Raven: (insert horrible puns here)

Mark: Shut the fuck up

...and I don't know what to do. Can I use that, or is it yours? When I text people I do that. I even have page after page of me talking to myself in that style. SHUT UP. IM NOT CRAZY. YOURE CRAZY.
Ok so I left for like twenty minutes and realized that I am not a bad person, and, seeing as I got this idea prior to ever reading the works of Shadana the Magnificent, I am going to be using this style. And it works REALLY WELL FOR ME SO ANY H8ER T8TERS CAN GO SUCK A BIG BAG OF DICKS. THANK YOU SHADANA YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION.

End of A/N. Also I am SUPER busy writing all the customs I promised, so please understand things are slow going.

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