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I only titled it that because I'm sure you've clicked on this out of curiosity. It's important! Don't leeeeave!

I want you to know, first and foremost, I read all your comments. I promise. But my wattpad is still broken and I can't read replies so I don't want to reply. You all mean a lot to me and I'm trying to fix the problem now. Don't worry. I shall reply again soon! PLEASE DONT LEAVE MEEEEEE!!

Another thing is that the title thing where you give me a title and I write a chapter around it is working perfectly! I hope we do more in the future! I still am working on the following:

"Down through the rabbit hole, the Mark hatter is dying." -@_ThatOneIrishGirl_

"Y/N and Mark's TARDIS adventure" -@sugarush821

"And then..." -@Outlandish-One

"BabyPlier" -@MarinaFischbach


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