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(( @Shadowprincess257
requested this, and I am committed to my readers. Hope you enjoy.))

((Also why can't I write her name...))

Shae sat on the couch, her mind whirring at approximately the speed of a very fast tortoise. She and her roommate, Mark Fischbach, had been friends for only a few months, but she found herself super madly in love with him. Somewhere deep down, she tried to fight it. But, as we all know, love happens, and, as Shae did NOT know, you can't just avoid it, though she learned this after spending more time with Mark.

Now, Mark had some strange habbits, apart from habitual screaming, which, some would argue, was a bad thing. No. When I say "strange habits", I mean he would unbutton his shirt at random and just stand there, suductively staring at the nearest random object. Sometimes, it would be their cat, Molly, who would give a whopping zero fucks about Mark and his strange behavior, and go back to licking herself nonchalantly and thinking about seahorses, which she had a deep infatuation with. Of course, no one knew this. She was a cat.

Another of Mark's weird things was food. I don't mean that he ate too much or too little. I'm not even saying the food itself was weird, but rather how Mark ate it. He could eat sushi and things like steak or chicken just fine, perhaps sucking on the bones when he was done, but this was relatively normal compared to him eating pancakes. When Mark would eat pancakes, he would take batter out, make it up, pour it into the pan like a normal human being, and then proceed to rub the batter all over his bare chest. This was also the case with syrup, chocolate sauce, and even spaghetti sauce, which made things quite awkward if they had house guest over for dinner.

On this particular day, Shae was thinking about these strange, seductive things, minding her own business, when Mark entered the room.

"What are you thinking about?" Mark asked, pulling a chair up to join his friend at the table.

"You," she blurted out quietly before she had the chance to think about the question, or, more aptly, who was asking it. she immediately felt herself get red in the face. "I mean... I mean your newest video. It's really funny!"

"Hey I'm not judging you," Mark said in response to her initial statement. "Lots of people think about me."

"I mean........." Shae trailed off, looking into Mark's chocolate brown eyes.

"Hey," he said, getting up and walking to the door. "I love you too."

The shock Shae felt inside was the most intense feeling she had ever felt in her short existance on the planet. She suddenly realized that the man she loved loved her back. What a feeling. Now, this whole time, I must point out, Molly was sitting on the table, licking her paws. She only looked up to watch what was going on. If Molly could speak English, her words would have ben these:

"If you guys don't kiss, I swear to fucking god I will pee on your bed and shit on your pillows. Don't think I'm not serious. I will do it. I got a big one comin right up if you guys don't just kiss at the very least. And hey. I'm an old cat. Is like to see you guys make some of your weird, hairless kittens before I kick the bucket. You guys should just fuck. Hey! I'm old! I can say whatever the hell I want to say!"

...but since Molly is a cat, they heard none of this.

"Mark--" As Shae began to speak and walk towards him, she was cut off by a soft "mew" coming from next to her. They wouldn't have known it, but that was Molly saying, "You two need to make those creepy hairless kittens now, ok?"

"Shae. I love you." As Mark said this, Shae took initiative and pulled Mark down, planting a kiss on his lips. After pulling away, Mark pulled her back again.

They proceded to make weird, hairless kittens all night long.

And Molly was happy to be a grandmother because she saw Shae as her daughter.

Everyone wins.

The end.

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