Darkiplier:Reader Red Dress

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Dark's pov

Well, that's it. I am officially too human. I know I'm not technically one, but if I maintain the mannerisms of a functioning twenty five year old male, I might as well be.

You are probably wondering why I say that I am becoming human. Well, I'll tell ya why.

There was this girl a while back that I thought was really nothing. I didn't care about her emotions in any way whatsoever. But one day, I saw her through new eyes.

Up until that point, she looked like just another girl to me. She looked like a human that I didn't have time to deal with. Even someone I would try to scare with my demon magic.

But that day she wore the red dress, I found myself looking at all the parts of her body that I hadn't noticed were even there before.

That god damn dress made me see something in her that I hadn't seen in anyone. I saw her beauty for what it was, not just a plastered-on face to mask an emotion too strong to describe. I wish I could put on a mask.

That red dress was so beautiful on her. She had the best figure. Boy did I fuck that one up. How so, you might ask? Ha. I ruin everything.

I saw her on that fateful day with the red dress I fell in love with. In love with her and the dress alike. She was walking past on her way to the library. I saw her and stared like a fool.

She was lost and needed help. I was lost too, but in a different way. I was lost in mind. Lost in her beauty. I was lost in emotion and trapped in my mind with no way out but her.

"Hey, do you know where the nearest Starbucks is?" She asked me.

That was part one to how I blew it. I froze. I couldn't think. I always wondered if she would talk to me, but I didn't know that she really would. I didn't know what to say, so I just told her it was down the street.

I never saw her since.

I regret everything about that day. I regret not asking her out. I regret not asking to at least join her. But above all, I regret ever letting myself have a human emotion for her.

I felt love for her. I felt like she was something special, and no human has ever done that to me. No one has ever done it since.

Love. Four letters. What do they even mean? They don't. They don't have a meaning. They're just there.

You can't define love in words. It's not something can be described in a definition or a sentence or example. There are two ways you can describe it.

But that's another story. One for another day.

Because the only thing I know is that I loved her and I lost her and I'll never get her back.

That beautiful girl in the pretty red dress.


(Will anyone give me some suggestions?)

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