Project Infinitum is my masterpiece

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Please read this. I'm begging you. If you care about my entire world of writing that consumes me, then reading this is urgent.

I've writen some good stories in my time. I've written stories about things I can barely fathom myself, but this one... This one takes the cake.

This is the story of me writing a story of someone else as someone who doesn't exist.

The plot is too complicated to actually explain in an author note. I beg of you, at least read the description and the first three chapters.

It's a crossover... Kind of. It's only written the way it is so I can't work a complicated plot as myself... But not me... It's a masterpiece.

I can't stress this enough... Please read it. I know I may have been like "go read my new story HUR DEE DUR!" in the past, but no. Stop. Don't you dare read my other shit-ass stories. That story is something that I could develop into an actual book. Which I'm probably going to do. And you know what? I'm going to fight to get that shit published. This is bookstore-worthy shit. I don't know what more I can do to convince you to read this other than tell you that I've been working for pretty much a whole year with this concept, molding and reshaping it to fit the standard of perfection I've set for myself. A plotline so complicated I had to work it for a year to make it actually good.

Please please please PLEASE go read it! It means more to me than this one shot story. This isn't nearly as good.

Project Infinitum is my labor of love. I've spent so long working that story that it's as much a part of me as my own skin. This means so much to me.


You won't regret it. I promise one my life.

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