A/N: In Story Format (Come On, Readers! Help me out!)

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The sound of the clock in the bathroom was audible, even from my perch on my bed. I crouched like a wild cat, ready to pounce. The position was fierce, but I wasn't threatening anything. Just thinking.

Time was seemingly frozen as I listened to the limited sounds in the dark. My brother slept on the bed next to my own, his rhythmic breathing annoying me almost as much as my own. A dog barked across the street. The clock in the bathroom sounded louder now, the more I paid attention to it.

I closed my eyes, drinking in the darkness around me. The only way I was ever going to get inspiration was by being silent, still, and focused. I was two of those things.

My mind began to drift all about. I didn't have time to think about anything other than the task at hand, but I found my thoughts wandering back to the episodes of Buffy we had watched in class. I tried to shake out the intruding thoughts, but they pried and stayed. How was I going to focus now with so many thoughts drifting around?

I finally calmed. My sense of time was lost with the lack of noise. I felt I was going mad, so I checked the clock. 2:35 AM. Time to sleep.

I couldn't think of a new thing to write, however. I needed inspiration. I needed anything. So I decided to ask my readers on Wattpad. Perhaps they could help.

Hello. It is I. Trusty author lady, here to ruin your life! I was wondering if you could tell me what chapters you want to see in the near future. Maybe a new story altogether? I don't know. Do you want something other than Markiplier? What's your favourite fandom? Do you want crossovers? I can do good crossovers. I'm working on a new chapter right now, but Project Infinitum is eating away at me. I truly live for it, even though hardly anyone cares to read it. If you're reading this right now, please prompt me to write something. Please help me out. Thank you. Bye.

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